Rank | 122919 / 333741 |
Number of games | 117 |
Best game | 57.59 |
Recent speed average of the last games |
50.49 |
Old speed average of the first games |
44.99 |
All time speed | 45.12 |
Recent accuracy average of the last games |
98.76% |
Old accuracy average of the first games |
99.37% |
Christopher Hitchens | 46.54 | 97.9% | 12 years ago |
Abraham Lincoln | 49.90 | 98.2% | 12 years ago |
Lord Tennyson | 52.39 | 99.4% | 12 years ago |
Samuel Butler | 42.84 | 97.6% | 12 years ago |
Antony | 54.82 | 99.4% | 12 years ago |
Thomas Paine | 49.27 | 99.0% | 12 years ago |
Dalai Lama | 57.59 | 100% | 12 years ago |
Uncle Iroh | 50.96 | 97.4% | 12 years ago |
Voltaire | 49.52 | 99.2% | 12 years ago |
Lois Lowry | 51.04 | 99.4% | 12 years ago |