Rank | 4366 / 333732 |
Number of games | 257 |
Best game | 141.03 |
Recent speed average of the last games |
108.19 |
Old speed average of the first games |
105.81 |
All time speed | 109.34 |
Recent accuracy average of the last games |
95.26% |
Old accuracy average of the first games |
95.42% |
Sarah Dessen | 103.69 | 94.5% | 7 years ago |
55ekim | 111.56 | 95.3% | 7 years ago |
Marilyn Monroe | 119.83 | 94.1% | 7 years ago |
Sarah Dessen | 123.42 | 98.0% | 7 years ago |
Morgan Sherritt | 87.63 | 88.5% | 7 years ago |
Nelson Mandela | 101.09 | 95.4% | 7 years ago |
Tolkien | 98.58 | 95.8% | 7 years ago |
Arthur Conan Doyle | 101.71 | 96.8% | 7 years ago |
Destinie Rodriguez-Lopez | 114.45 | 96.5% | 7 years ago |
J.K. Rowling | 119.93 | 97.7% | 7 years ago |