Rank | 10941 / 333730 |
Number of games | 819 |
Best game | 122.11 |
Recent speed average of the last games |
93.79 |
Old speed average of the first games |
89.55 |
All time speed | 89.63 |
Recent accuracy average of the last games |
95.26% |
Old accuracy average of the first games |
98.47% |
someone... | 101.29 | 97.0% | 7 years ago |
Vincent van Gogh | 96.56 | 96.1% | 7 years ago |
emilia king | 109.39 | 96.3% | 7 years ago |
Markus Zusak | 84.35 | 95.3% | 7 years ago |
Alan Watts | 101.84 | 96.5% | 7 years ago |
Elizabeth Warren | 85.07 | 93.2% | 7 years ago |
Ultimate Warrior | 93.29 | 95.2% | 7 years ago |
John Ruskin | 87.20 | 93.4% | 7 years ago |
John Green | 88.59 | 95.3% | 7 years ago |
Jax Teller | 90.32 | 94.3% | 7 years, 1 month ago |