Rank | 152480 / 333731 |
Number of games | 118 |
Best game | 54.28 |
Recent speed average of the last games |
45.32 |
Old speed average of the first games |
37.59 |
All time speed | 40.50 |
Recent accuracy average of the last games |
94.44% |
Old accuracy average of the first games |
95.01% |
Konfuzius | 42.85 | 95.1% | 3 years, 10 months ago |
Mark Twain | 46.22 | 93.3% | 4 years ago |
Albert Einstein | 41.59 | 90.9% | 4 years ago |
Albert Einstein | 42.64 | 93.2% | 4 years ago |
Winston Churchill | 43.42 | 98.1% | 4 years ago |
Unbekannt | 46.18 | 95.8% | 4 years ago |
Albert Einstein | 54.28 | 99.4% | 4 years ago |
Achim von Arnim (1781-1831), deutscher Dichter | 40.71 | 91.7% | 4 years ago |
Joschka Fischer | 52.73 | 95.3% | 4 years ago |
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle | 42.54 | 91.6% | 4 years ago |