Rank | 145652 / 333779 |
Number of games | 245 |
Best game | 73.20 |
Recent speed average of the last games |
46.44 |
Old speed average of the first games |
50.35 |
All time speed | 52.50 |
Recent accuracy average of the last games |
96.33% |
Old accuracy average of the first games |
96.69% |
Anonymous | 5.40 | 86.3% | 10 years ago |
Maurice Chevalier | 59.09 | 100% | 10 years ago |
Meredith Grey | 51.01 | 96.9% | 10 years ago |
Fidel Castro | 43.71 | 98.1% | 10 years ago |
Georgia O'keeffe | 53.54 | 97.9% | 10 years ago |
A. A. Milne | 42.40 | 94.8% | 10 years ago |
John Waters | 56.32 | 97.7% | 10 years ago |
Immanuel Kant | 51.52 | 97.7% | 10 years ago |
Myself | 57.88 | 100% | 10 years ago |
Scaramanga | 43.56 | 93.9% | 10 years ago |