Rank | 155650 / 333754 |
Number of games | 14 |
Best game | 51.21 |
Recent speed average of the last games |
44.79 |
Old speed average of the first games |
43.15 |
All time speed | 43.50 |
Recent accuracy average of the last games |
92.56% |
Old accuracy average of the first games |
93.02% |
Peter Boghoissan | 44.18 | 92.3% | 9 years ago |
Lev Tolsztoj | 48.06 | 92.2% | 9 years ago |
Lev Tolsztoj | 45.35 | 93.9% | 9 years ago |
Douglas Adams | 40.00 | 88.3% | 9 years ago |
Tóth András | 48.75 | 95.0% | 9 years ago |
Douglas Adams | 38.97 | 89.3% | 9 years ago |
Douglas Adams | 49.04 | 91.1% | 9 years ago |
Douglas Adams | 51.21 | 94.9% | 9 years ago |
Lev Tolsztoj | 42.10 | 94.9% | 9 years ago |
Lev Tolsztoj | 40.28 | 93.9% | 9 years ago |