Rank | 226428 / 333757 |
Number of games | 108 |
Best game | 58.93 |
Recent speed average of the last games |
34.25 |
Old speed average of the first games |
30.07 |
All time speed | 38.14 |
Recent accuracy average of the last games |
70.27% |
Old accuracy average of the first games |
69.32% |
Benedict de Spinoza | 33.19 | 67.4% | 9 years ago |
Roger Ebert | 16.01 | 51.2% | 9 years ago |
Ray Bradbury | 29.60 | 65.4% | 9 years ago |
No one Just my thoughts | 24.99 | 61.5% | 9 years ago |
bayderox | 40.35 | 76.0% | 9 years ago |
Bill Watterson as Calvin | 40.13 | 76.6% | 9 years ago |
Ronald St Bruce | 39.42 | 79.6% | 9 years ago |
Cait Sith Quote from Final Fantasy VII / ff7 | 17.19 | 52.5% | 9 years ago |
Unknown | 49.17 | 84.6% | 9 years ago |
Victor Hugo | 52.46 | 87.8% | 9 years ago |