Rank | 2752 / 333277 |
Number of games | 20 |
Best game | 135.28 |
Recent speed average of the last games |
116.54 |
Old speed average of the first games |
106.45 |
All time speed | 111.50 |
Recent accuracy average of the last games |
96.34% |
Old accuracy average of the first games |
96.02% |
Tennessee Williams | 111.66 | 94.7% | 7 years ago |
Vince Lombardi | 110.74 | 95.1% | 7 years ago |
Unknown | 119.96 | 96.9% | 7 years ago |
Jay Asher | 106.33 | 95.9% | 7 years ago |
Anonymous | 109.52 | 92.7% | 7 years ago |
Unknown | 127.37 | 94.7% | 7 years ago |
Marcel Proust | 107.24 | 97.3% | 7 years ago |
Adlai E. Stevenson II | 108.30 | 96.6% | 7 years ago |
Dale carnegie | 129.05 | 99.5% | 7 years ago |
Jonathan Davis | 135.28 | 100% | 7 years ago |