Rank | 109039 / 333745 |
Number of games | 133 |
Best game | 70.27 |
Recent speed average of the last games |
53.15 |
Old speed average of the first games |
52.04 |
All time speed | 51.93 |
Recent accuracy average of the last games |
95.87% |
Old accuracy average of the first games |
94.57% |
Ayn Rand | 47.89 | 91.7% | 9 years ago |
Milton Friedman | 57.61 | 96.5% | 9 years ago |
Sun Tzu | 45.74 | 93.9% | 9 years ago |
Thomas Jefferson | 51.81 | 96.4% | 9 years ago |
dorothy nevill | 58.64 | 95.8% | 9 years ago |
Jonathan Swift | 55.06 | 97.7% | 9 years ago |
D.H. Lawrence | 45.45 | 94% | 9 years ago |
Charles Babbage | 55.02 | 98.5% | 9 years ago |
Norton Juster | 58.44 | 97.2% | 9 years ago |
Alan Alda | 55.83 | 97.2% | 9 years ago |