Rank | 7063 / 333731 |
Number of games | 110 |
Best game | 121.30 |
Recent speed average of the last games |
100.48 |
Old speed average of the first games |
99.52 |
All time speed | 99.55 |
Recent accuracy average of the last games |
94.27% |
Old accuracy average of the first games |
94.95% |
Mrinal Utkarsh | 93.42 | 97.1% | 8 years ago |
Vijay Verma | 103.47 | 93.4% | 8 years ago |
Mary Kay Ash | 88.15 | 89.2% | 8 years ago |
Fredrick Nietsche | 112.45 | 97.9% | 8 years ago |
Diana Watson | 104.01 | 96.0% | 8 years ago |
Fortune Cookie | 116.08 | 98.4% | 8 years ago |
Bill Gates | 94.91 | 91.4% | 8 years ago |
Leonardo da Vinci | 99.63 | 95.0% | 8 years ago |
Richard Nixon | 107.30 | 93.7% | 8 years ago |
Julius Robert Oppenheimer | 85.35 | 90.7% | 8 years ago |