Rank | 304254 / 333742 |
Number of games | 48 |
Best game | 43.88 |
Recent speed average of the last games |
21.70 |
Old speed average of the first games |
11.18 |
All time speed | 17.13 |
Recent accuracy average of the last games |
93.81% |
Old accuracy average of the first games |
89.08% |
unknown | 43.88 | 95.7% | 8 years ago |
Abraham Lincoln | 42.01 | 95.1% | 8 years ago |
**B**K** | 13.75 | 95.7% | 8 years ago |
Dwight Eisenhower | 5.86 | 90.6% | 8 years ago |
Ferdinand Magellan | 21.69 | 97.5% | 8 years ago |
Horace Kallen | 19.37 | 95.7% | 8 years ago |
Tupac Shakur | 17.20 | 90.2% | 8 years ago |
unknown | 4.10 | 85.2% | 8 years ago |
Douglas Adams | 23.24 | 96.5% | 8 years ago |
John Forbes Nash | 25.89 | 95.8% | 8 years ago |