Rank | 261525 / 333733 |
Number of games | 19 |
Best game | 33.48 |
Recent speed average of the last games |
29.20 |
Old speed average of the first games |
27.68 |
All time speed | 28.21 |
Recent accuracy average of the last games |
98.20% |
Old accuracy average of the first games |
97.65% |
Thomas Jefferson | 32.06 | 99.1% | 12 years ago |
Suzanne Collins | 30.38 | 98.5% | 12 years ago |
Kira I. Gamble | 29.58 | 98.8% | 12 years ago |
Myra Villegas | 27.11 | 97.9% | 12 years ago |
James Moran | 22.79 | 96.7% | 12 years ago |
Daniel Silva | 31.63 | 98.4% | 12 years ago |
Alan Watts | 30.94 | 98.3% | 12 years ago |
Devil's Lamb | 27.60 | 99.6% | 12 years ago |
V for Vendetta | 27.11 | 97.0% | 12 years ago |
Cormac McCarthy | 32.84 | 97.7% | 12 years ago |