Rank | 74500 / 333733 |
Number of games | 381 |
Best game | 76.31 |
Recent speed average of the last games |
61.11 |
Old speed average of the first games |
55.65 |
All time speed | 54.82 |
Recent accuracy average of the last games |
96.73% |
Old accuracy average of the first games |
99.00% |
Roger Ebert | 61.61 | 98.3% | 10 years ago |
Soren Kierkegaard | 67.86 | 98.3% | 10 years ago |
Thomas Jefferson | 64.78 | 98.3% | 10 years ago |
Frank L. Baum | 56.01 | 97.4% | 10 years ago |
Alex Gaskarth | 64.86 | 98% | 10 years ago |
William Bartram | 56.74 | 96.7% | 10 years ago |
Douglas Adams | 58.69 | 96.9% | 10 years ago |
John Burroughs | 76.31 | 100% | 10 years ago |
Talia Wood | 59.05 | 96.5% | 10 years ago |
National Lampoon | 45.21 | 87.1% | 10 years, 4 months ago |