Rank | 164298 / 333732 |
Number of games | 2337 |
Best game | 55.54 |
Recent speed average of the last games |
43.41 |
Old speed average of the first games |
9.39 |
All time speed | 30.72 |
Recent accuracy average of the last games |
93.99% |
Old accuracy average of the first games |
92.24% |
Michael Johnson | 40.74 | 92.6% | 5 years ago |
Philip Roth | 38.72 | 92.3% | 5 years ago |
Genndy Tartakovsky | 40.08 | 91.3% | 5 years ago |
J.K. Rowling | 41.93 | 93.4% | 5 years ago |
J.K Rowling - Albus Dumbledore | 42.94 | 95.8% | 5 years ago |
Eddard | 45.69 | 96.2% | 5 years ago |
Brandon Sanderson | 43.47 | 94.5% | 5 years ago |
Unknown | 47.52 | 93.3% | 5 years ago |
Jose Saramago | 50.74 | 95.8% | 5 years ago |
Sakata Gintoki (Gintama) | 42.28 | 94.9% | 5 years ago |