Rank | 240861 / 333733 |
Number of games | 160 |
Best game | 44.82 |
Recent speed average of the last games |
32.21 |
Old speed average of the first games |
12.65 |
All time speed | 25.73 |
Recent accuracy average of the last games |
90.58% |
Old accuracy average of the first games |
83.02% |
John Muir | 34.23 | 90.7% | 4 years ago |
Napoleon Hill | 29.58 | 88.9% | 4 years ago |
Miranda Hobbes | 29.70 | 88.5% | 4 years ago |
Hsu Yun | 36.92 | 92.0% | 4 years ago |
Mercedes Lackey | 29.40 | 88.3% | 4 years ago |
Margaret Lawrence | 28.58 | 88.8% | 4 years ago |
Neal Shusterman | 42.51 | 95.9% | 4 years ago |
Lemony Snicket | 35.56 | 91.8% | 4 years ago |
Michonne | 30.69 | 89.3% | 4 years ago |
Wil Ohmsford - The Shannara Chronicles | 24.87 | 91.6% | 4 years ago |