Rank | 270393 / 333755 |
Number of games | 16 |
Best game | 54.32 |
Recent speed average of the last games |
36.43 |
Old speed average of the first games |
26.64 |
All time speed | 32.23 |
Recent accuracy average of the last games |
97.20% |
Old accuracy average of the first games |
97.16% |
Osamu Dazai | 30.24 | 96.8% | 4 years ago |
Gülseren Budayıcıoğlu | 35.80 | 98.1% | 4 years ago |
Zuikō, Samurai Champloo Ep. 12 | 50.12 | 97.9% | 4 years ago |
Someone | 49.63 | 94.8% | 4 years ago |
Patrick Rothfuss | 54.32 | 97.8% | 4 years ago |
Oya Baydar | 29.15 | 96.3% | 4 years ago |
Yunus Emre Gökçe | 32.33 | 96.7% | 4 years ago |
Viktor E. Frankl | 26.42 | 99.4% | 4 years ago |
Friedrich Nietzsche | 29.30 | 97.9% | 4 years ago |
Fyodor Mihayloviç Dostoyevski | 27.04 | 96.3% | 4 years ago |