Rank | 285356 / 333754 |
Number of games | 1988 |
Best game | 50.64 |
Recent speed average of the last games |
25.43 |
Old speed average of the first games |
24.23 |
All time speed | 32.40 |
Recent accuracy average of the last games |
90.70% |
Old accuracy average of the first games |
90.01% |
D.H. Lawrence | 19.72 | 89.4% | 9 years ago |
Gandhi (from the movie) | 25.02 | 89.2% | 9 years ago |
Wikipedia | 26.72 | 91.6% | 9 years ago |
Ashley Ayala | 31.53 | 95.5% | 9 years ago |
Morpheus | 20.64 | 85.9% | 9 years ago |
Helen Keller | 28.58 | 92.3% | 9 years ago |
From the movie "Gladiator" spoken by Proximo | 20.64 | 91.6% | 9 years ago |
Bon Clay | 31.13 | 96.4% | 9 years ago |
Captain Malcolm Reynolds (Serenity) | 22.65 | 87.5% | 9 years ago |
James Joyce | 27.63 | 87.6% | 9 years ago |