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Serita McKenzie
it was good

Suzanne Collins
thank you

I appreciate the honesty :)

Agreed! The best website just for procrastinating and typing. Can't think of a better one …

Curtis Baldwin
heh heh


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David Allen
A vision of a desired future allows you to engage and identify immediately in your focus with an improved condition. It changes what you perceive and how you perform - NOW. It's not about achieving something in time. It's rather about the quality of choices you are making in this moment - what you choose to perceive, feel, and do. It's about getting the most out of your experience.

Scrubs - Dr. Cox
I think you're very funny when you're up on your high horse, you know when you stay right in your wheelhouse. Everyone is funny for something. Barbie is an emotional train wreck, your husband sells with a cocky attitude.

Janitor - Scrubs
Some hooligan keeps disconnecting the alarm. I told Security to look into it. But no, no, they'd rather catch the guy who's stealing organs from the transplant ward.

As an artist, I see the poetry of it. It's so brilliant. That this scale of creation, and the unfathomable universe, should describe itself in such vulnerability, as a child. That is mind-blowing to me. I guess that would make me a Christian. Although I don't use the label, because it is so very hard to live up to. I feel like I'm the worst example of it, so I just kinda keep my mouth shut.

If I could put it simply, I would say that I believe there's a force of love and logic in the world, a force of love and logic behind the universe. And I believe in the poetic genius of a creator who would choose to express such unfathomable power as a child born in "straw poverty." The story of Christ makes sense to me.

The music that really turns me on is either running toward God or away from God. Both recognize the pivot, that God is at the center of the jaunt. So the blues, on one hand - running away; gospel, the Mighty Clouds of Joy - running towards. And later you came to analyze it and figure it out.

Every era has its defining struggle and the fate of Africa is one of ours. It's not the only one, but in the history books it's easily going to make the top five, what we did or what we did not do. It's a proving ground, as I said earlier, for the idea of equality. But whether it's this or something else, I hope you'll pick a fight and get in it.

We have to have a very simple standard of doing business, which is: If you are not tackling corruption, if you are not allowing civil society to do their job, we are not giving you any money. Outside of famine, and outside of those kinds of catastrophes, which need money pumped in no matter who's in charge. We are not marching the streets to redecorate presidential palaces for anyone.

Sing the melody line you hear in your own head. Remember, you don't owe anybody any explanations. You don't owe your parents any explanations. You don't owe your professors any explanations. You know I used to think the future was solid or fixed, something you inherited like an old building that you move into when the previous generation moves out or gets chased out. But it's not. The future is not fixed. It's fluid. You can build your own building, or hut or condo, whatever.

But you know what's amazing? Everywhere I go, I see very much the same thing. I see the same compassion for people who live half a world away. I see the same concern about events beyond these borders. And, increasingly, I see the same conviction that we can and we must join together to stop the scourge of AIDS and poverty.

It's patently clear to anyone living in New York or London that whole corners of their cities were about to be taken out, whether with chemicals or dirty nuclear devices. So I'm not full of criticism for the way the Americans have behaved. I'm with them.

Bono. - America
When the potatoes ran out, millions of Irish men, women and children packed their bags, got on a boat and showed up right here. And we're still doing it. We're not even starving anymore, loads of potatoes. In fact if there's any Irish out there, I've breaking news from Dublin: The potato famine is over. You can come home now. But why are we still showing up? Because we love the idea of America.

Eight million people die every year for the price of going out with your friends to the movies and buying an ice cream. Literally for about $30 a head per year, you could save 8 million lives. Isn't that extraordinary? Preventable disease - not calamity, not famine, nothing like that. Preventable disease - just for the lack of medicines. That is cheap, that is a bargain.

Distance does not decide who is your brother and who is not. The church is going to have to become the conscience of the free market if it's to have any meaning in this world - and stop being its apologist.

There's a great freedom when you have your feet in two so called mutually exclusive worlds: The world of irony, and the world of soul, the world of flesh, and the world of spirit, the world of surface and the world of depth.

Bono. - America
When I was a kid in Dublin, I watched in awe as America put a man on the moon. We thought, you know, this is "mad." Nothing is impossible in America. In America, they can do anything over there.

Bono. - America
America is an idea, but it's an idea that brings with it some baggage, like power brings responsibility. It's an idea that brings with it equality, but equality even though it's the highest calling, is the hardest to reach. The idea that anything is possible, that's one of the reasons why I'm a fan of America.

Sarah Dessen - Just Listen
All I wanted - all I'd ever wanted - was just to get away. To be somewhere small where I could crowd in and feel safe, all four walls pressed around me, no one staring or pointing or yelling.

Sarah Dessen - Just Listen
I didn't hear the footsteps. Or see the shadow. Instead from where I was crouched on the ground, the green of the grass filling my vision, the first thing I made out were hands, a flat silver ring on the middle finger of each. One was clutching my notes. The other was reaching out for me.

Sarah Dessen - Just Listen
Looking at her, I thought again how beautiful she was - even in jeans and a t-shirt, no makeup, she was breathtaking. So much so that it was hard to believe she could ever have looked at herself and seen anything else.