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J.K. Rowling
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Marshall Sahlins
Altered title to reflect source of quote.

very well

Regretful Thoughts on an Anonymous Boy
Love the quote, would prefer 3 dots for elipses if you're gonna use them though. …


alexandra318's cotizaciones

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J.K Rowling - Harry potter
Fred, George, Harry, and Ron were the only ones who knew that the angel on top of the tree was actually a garden gnome that had bitten Fred on the ankle as he pulled up carrots for Christmas dinner. Stupefied, painted gold, stuffed into a miniature tutu and with small wings glued to its back, it glowered down at them all, the ugliest angel Harry had ever seen, with a large bald head like a potato and rather hairy feet.

J.K Rowling - Harry potter
Dudley looked a lot like Uncle Vernon. He had a large pink face, not much neck, small watery blue eyes, and thick blonde hair that lay smoothly on his thick, fat head. Aunt Petunia often said that Dudley looked like a baby angel. Harry often said that Dudley looked like a pig in a wig.

J.K Rowling - Harry potter and the Philosopher's stone
Well, thank you for that assessment, Mr. Weasley. Perhaps it would be more useful if I were to transfigure Mr. Potter and yourself into a pocket watch. That way, one of you might be on time.