Angelica Pezzino
- wACKy MazE - (Comprehension and Application)
Today is a new day.... .. ...... .. To Start a wACKy MazE. You miGht juST HATe me, or MayBE rE - PHrasE me, But i'LL teLL yoU NOw, That i'M reAlly Not crAZy! ConfUSIon, PlaINLY, is quIte sTRainInG. alSO peRtaINIng tO brAin Cell reGaininG. AlmOsT inSTanTaneoUsLy, tHe rooM GetS qUitE HazY. It'S tIme tO SpoNTanEouSLY EmeRGe frOm mY dAyDreAmiNG. Extemporaneously.