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Nujabes; Shing02

J.K. Rowling
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Marshall Sahlins
Altered title to reflect source of quote.

very well

Regretful Thoughts on an Anonymous Boy
Love the quote, would prefer 3 dots for elipses if you're gonna use them though. …


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Marcus Aurelius - Meditations
If someone is able to show me that what I think or do is not right, I will happily change, for I seek the truth, by which no one was ever truly harmed. It is the person who continues in his self-deception and ignorance who is harmed.

John Mulaney
I can't listen to any new songs. Because every new song is about how tonight is the night and we only have tonight. That is such 19-year-old horseshit. I want to write songs for people in their 30s called "Tonight's No Good. How About Wednesday? Oh, You're in Dallas Wednesday? Let's Not See Each Other for Eight Months and It Doesn't Matter at All."

John Mulaney
I am now gross. I am damp all the time. I am damp now and I will be damp later. Like the back of a dolphin, my back. The butt part of my pants is damp a lot. I don't think it's anything serious, but isn't it, though? I'll be in a restaurant and I'll get up and be like, "What did I sit in?" And it was me.