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dave2197's cotizaciones

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Kiyotaka Ayanokōji - Confessing your feelings
It's true that confessing your feelings isn't easy to do. You spend every day in complete anguish, as you create the experience in your head over and over. And yet, you still can't confess your feelings. Even when you think the time has come to actually do it, you can't say the words 'I like you'. They get stuck in your throat. Don't you think you should answer someone when they desperately long to express their feelings? If you make the situation unclear, both of you may regret it later.

Tomomi Masaoka - The ball. (Psycho-pass)
Like I said earlier, this is a game of ball between master and dog. If you disobey, you'll just be punished. If that's the case, you should change your position to that of a third party, neither dog nor master. A third party? The ball. Turn yourself into the ball getting thrown, just bouncing and rolling. At first glance, it may appear unseemly, but the reality is, that's the way to get hurt least and not get drained. That's the wise action, you know.

Tomomi Masaoka - Unreasonable (Psycho-Pass)
You think that's unreasonable? But you know, our work is made up of unreasonable things in the first place. What a person thinks, or what they wish for... We live in a time where everything in a person's mind can be made transparent by machines and yet, there are tons of people who'd detest, deceive, or try to hurt others. If that's not "unreasonable" what else would you call it?

Hikigaya Hachiman - Change myself
Saying "I can change myself" is just admitting defeat in order to adapt to this cold cruel world, so that you can be its slave. It's no more than basis for deceiving yourself and decorating it with pretty words.

Ōgai Mori - A Leader
A leader is both the head of the organization and the organization's slave. For the survival and profit of the organization, they gladly put themselves through any manner of filth. They develop their subordinates and place them where they best fit. And, if necessary, they use and dispose of them. For the sake of the organization they take any act of barbarism with glee. That is a leader.

Makinohara Shouko
Now that you know of pain that others cannot understand, I'm sure you can become kinder than anyone else. And I'm sure you can be supportive of someone else.

Makinohara Shoko - Kind
I didn't have a big dream or high hopes for my life, either. But I was still able to find meaning for my own life. What I think, Sakuta-kun... is that life is here for us to become kinder. I live life every day hoping that I'm a slightly kinder person than I was the day before.

Allan Ruffus - Life is like a game of chess
Life is like a game of chess. To win you have to make a move. Knowing which move to make comes with insight and knowledge and by learning the lessons that are accumulated along the way. We become each and every piece within the game called Life.

Kazuki Fujisawa - Unfair
Sometimes, your future is already set, and there's nothing you can do about it. There are some things you just can't change, no matter how hard you work. Unfair, don't you think? It isn't an easy fact to accept and I'm not telling you to, but that's just how life is. Unfair.

Erwin Smith - Regret
Don't. You'll regret it. If you begin to regret, you'll dull your future decisions and let others make your choices for you. All that's left for you then is to die. Nobody can foretell the outcome. Each decision you make holds meaning only by affecting your next decision.

Umibozu - Wife - Gintama
The strongest creature the great Umibozu ever encountered can be found all over the universe... a wife. And I, just like every other pitiful man in the universe, ended up under my wife's thumb, basically.

Hikigaya Hachiman - Compromise
There are some people who don't want a solution. Some want things to stay the way they are. There's no way to make things convenient for everyone. So the only option is to find a compromise.

Hikigaya Hachiman - Human's nature
When humans are truly and utterly scared, they won't give a damn about anyone else. They'll do anything to survive, even sacrifice others around them.

Hikigaya Hachiman - Hard work
Hard work betrays none, but dreams betray many. Working hard alone doesn't assure you that you'll achieve your dreams. Actually there are more cases where you don't. Even so, working hard and achieving something is some consolation at least.

Junko Kaname - Wrong
Then you just have to do something wrong. Somebody has to be in the wrong to balance out her need to be in the right. Tell a white lie, or run away from something scary. Sometimes you realize that was actually the best choice in the end. Sometimes when you hit a dead end with no real alternatives, making a big mistake is an option.

Junko Kaname - Mistake
You need to learn how to make mistakes before you grow up. When you are young, you can recover quickly when hurt. When you get older it's harder to make mistakes. The more responsibilities, the less mistakes you are allowed to make.

Yukino Yukinoshita - Success
People who don't work hard don't have the right to be envious of the people with talent. People fail because they don't understand the hard work necessary to be successful.

Shizuka Hiratsuka - Oregairu
Trying to not hurt others is something you can't do. People are creatures who hurt others just by existing even if they're not aware of it. Whether you're living or dying, you'll always be hurting someone. Once you're involved, you'll hurt someone, and even by not being involved, you might be hurting someone else as well...

Oreki Houtarou - Hyouka - high school
People remember their high school days as the high point of their lives. People say these things because everyone holds fond memories of their time in high school; however, I doubt that every high school student would want to remember their school life that way. For example, if neither studying, nor sports, nor socializing are of interest to someone, what then? What if there are students who prefer to keep a low profile? Though I guess that would be a pretty lonely way to live.