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J.K. Rowling
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Marshall Sahlins
Altered title to reflect source of quote.

very well

Regretful Thoughts on an Anonymous Boy
Love the quote, would prefer 3 dots for elipses if you're gonna use them though. …

Ekko - League of Legends
I'm not sure about this one. It doesn't specify what "making the most out of …


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Marcus Aurelius
He who has seen present things has seen all, both everything which has taken place from all eternity and everything which will be for time without end; for all things are of one kind and of one form.

Chuang Tzu
The fish trap exists because of the fish. Once you've gotten the fish you can forget the trap. The rabbit snare exists because of the rabbit. Once you've gotten the rabbit, you can forget the snare. Words exist because of meaning. Once you've gotten the meaning, you can forget the words. Where can I find a man who has forgotten words so I can talk with him?

William Benton Clulow - Horæ Otiosæ
One epitaph is sufficiently comprehensive for most persons: Here lies a mortal. In that word is comprised a brief space of trivial joys, and trivial sorrows. The rest is a phantom.