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Allen Downey
Eco friendly wood veneers?

Kenzie Sauer
A fundamental misunderstanding of depression.

Brenda Shaughnessy
Well you can actually make it go slower than 1 second per second if you …

changed eve to even

Some Disney Princess
I swear, didn't that happen to the Mongolian Empire lol


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James Joyce - The Internet Ulysses
As Ulysses was imprisoned by Calypso, so Leopold Bloom has accepted his role as Molly's servant, making the best of the pleasures he's offered, and keeping alive his rich, fallible imagination. He putters in the kitchen, steps round the corner to the butcher's, brings Molly up her breakfast, reads a letter from their daughter Milly (who's working for a photographer in Mullingar), and finally visits the outhouse, where he has a fantasy about becoming a published author.