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Keanu Reeves
i got my new high score on this thank u

Someone you will never meet
I'm just procrastinating on my essay that is due in 2 days qwq

uhhh what

J.K. Rowling
TabCrack is a website offering all premium software for free, without requiring any payment. Users …

Dude as I was typing this quote I was changing my posture and carpal tunnel …


mcfodi's cotizaciones

Todos cotizaciones

McFodi's high school econ teacher
The worst music to play in a store is jazz. You either love it or you hate it, and if you want as many customers as possible, you do not want to play music that they might hate. Not everyone likes hearing a chill beat then BELELELELELELELEL on a saxophone.

McFodi - forgotten
In the grasps of college allure, Joe bid goodbye to his peers - those he once conversed with over bland lunches. Eager to maintain those cherished bonds, he stayed in touch with them; yet, their lack of reciprocation left him feeling a pang of loneliness. The echoes of unasked "how are you"s weighed heavily on his heart, yearning for the warmth of true connection. Had he become a moth-eaten corner in the tapestry of their friendship? Was he, perhaps for lack of a simpler term, forgotten?

I have a lot of friends online. I currently have no in-person friends, so all my talking is done online. Seems okay, right? Not really. These friends, I label them as dead-end friends. Why? Because I know them, they know me; I don't know their friends, they don't know mine. No friend groups, just a long list of individual friends. I wish it wasn't like this; I want to be part of some friend groups. I warn you, dear typist. Try to avoid these dead-end friends in the future.

I've been seeing some quotes on with general information about the typist, like their age and why they type here, in response to some other quote asking about it. I have never seen a quote ask me about my age and why I am here, but it must exist, so I shall answer. I turn 18 in three months and just moved to college for summer class. I am typing here to help pass all my spare time, since I barely leave my dorm and currently have no friends. What about you?

McFodi - Etui
There lays a small, ornate box on my desk; an etui. What's inside? That is unknown to me. A pandora's box sits next to me, and I dare not open it. Perhaps it holds my missing wallet. Or nothing at all. Is this a metaphor? Metaphor for what? For life? Perhaps for the unpredictability of life, foreign concepts of good and bad in a box called the future.

McFodi - sand
Rustles passed. Birds fluttered. Ahead, a lone bikepacker whidded down a sandy hill, the forest to her back. She came to rest at the base, coiffing her hair for a photograph. Later, picture within her pockets, she picked her way up to the seat, attempting to advance. Nothing. The sand had gripped the wheels in its grainy fingers, cementing the machine in place. She fell. The bicycle didn't. The sand buckled. The grainy void engulfed her machine, bringing her only sustenance with it.

Mcfodi - Pressure
He stood amongst the warm beads of water falling on and around him. "What allowed me to achieve victory in the spelling bee?" he mumbled to the wall, "Only pure, unfiltered luck would gift me an easy spell like omphaloskepsis: the contemplation of one's belly button." He looked down, touching a finger to his own. "My only scar, physical at least. Plenty inside. Plenty in my head. Plenty caused by my parents. Constant pressure to compete. All I want is to settle and start a family; I'm thirty."

Mcfodi - Fraught With
"Fraught with" means filled with something undesirable, much like an unsightly anthill in the garden, a glimpse into the subterranean labyrinth fraught with fire ants. A mysterious superorganism lies beneath that mound of dirt, only revealing its tentacles when hungry. That is always, as the superorganism is fraught with hunger, always growing; expanding its influence to be a supercolony. Always growing, the lone queen laying hundreds of eggs per day. Always growing that mound in the garden.

McFodi - You or Them
Through some life events, I have learned that, in life, there are two paths: to make oneself happy, and to make others happy. Very few can run on both at the same time. Therefore, for most people, in order to be happy, they must make others unhappy at some point in time. This is especially important for people around my age, applying and preparing to leave for college. Very rarely will a student have the same interests as their parents, so they must choose: their goals or their parents' goals.

McFodi - Depressing As
Do my test or you regret it," haunted the mind of a young pupil. He was skipping home from school, holding a report card dotted with As. He warily stepped through the unlocked and ajar front door of his house, noting a faint metallic smell. He echoed his presence through the halls to no response. Unsettled, he tiptoed into the kitchen, only to see his mother hunched over a bowl, blood dripping in and around the bowl. A note next to the mess read "I lose my grade, you lose your ma.

McFodi - It's Terrible
Midterms season in school. Jazz band was rebranded to Study Hall. I took advantage and spent the period reviewing for the next day's tests. One of the other saxophone players walks out of the band room to where I am with a drum pad and sticks in his hand. He sat next to me, his chair groaning in protest, and drummed away, oblivious of the toothpick studying next to him. Endless questions rolled toward me, pulling me away from my studies. I answered everything with "It's terrible."

McFodi - Justin
The town's local idiot. We estimated his IQ to be around 72. We told him this; he said "Oh a C ain't that bad." Tuesday he fell into a liquor store. Seeing the chips, he screamed at the cashier, claiming that snacks are not liquor: the store was "false advertising." He pulled a gun, "Give me the money in the tray and the police won't know." He went home and buried the money, hoping it would grow a dollar tree. We planted an actual money tree in the spot where he buried the cash. "I told y'all."

Since I formed my first memories, this one nightmare has plagued my sleep. Once every few months to a year, this horrid dream would ruin my night. It was so terrifying that no words could describe it. It was so terrifying that it developed two different forms; switching between the two at will. It was so terrifying that it was not scary, but somehow far, far worse than any actual nightmare. It was so terrifying that I eventually started experiencing it while laying in bed, completely awake.

McFodi - The two most evil words
I remember hearing from someone "The two most evil words are 'good job.'" While I don't recall who said this, I do remember my drum tech explaining why. He said that if one is given a compliment, his ego is heightened, and the next time is worse. That is why he never gave my drumline any compliments; Only the occasional "Yeah, it's getting there."

McFodi - You can't have food without suffering.
I don't understand the argument of many vegans and vegetarians that people shouldn't eat meat because it is torture to animals. While this is true to an extent, plants also suffer when farmed. When you shoot a cow in the head, it dies instantly. However, when you remove a leaf from a plant, that leaf continues to live for weeks, slowly starving until it wilts. Often, the smell of fresh greens is the plant releasing pheromones into the air calling for help. You can't have food without suffering.

My English tutor and me
Many - indeed, most - people don't know the order of a sentence matters; the end of a sentence is more emphasized than the start. Take, for example, the sentences "The wolf stalked through the woods, rain falling all around, coat dripping wet." and "Through the woods, rain falling all around, coat dripping wet, the wolf stalked." In the first sentence, emphasis is placed on the setting and what it's like. In the second sentence, emphasis is placed on the wolf and what it's doing.

Kyili & Thomas
I told my present girlfriend about this quote thing, and, the first thing she said was "subscribe to Technoblade." After some time, she settled on "I broke my friends balls because yes."