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Jordan B. Peterson
What stands out to me the most, every time I come across a JP quote, …

Anyone want to circle back to this now? I still look back an cannot believe …

Unknown Me
Just what in the world is that last punctuation!?!?

Wait... what??

Malcolm X
I don't think there's any hate in this quote at all. He's simply making the …


tyfighter's cotizaciones

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Tyfighter - Spongebob-Fun Song plus plankton's verse
"F is for fire that burns down the whole town! U is for uranium... BOMBS! N is for no survivors when you-" "Plankton, Plankton, Plankton sing it like this. F is for friends who do stuff together. U is for you and me. N is for anywhere and anytime at all down here in the deep blue sea".

Tyler Riley - Pokémon-Ash Recites Team Rockets moto
Prepare for trouble actually make that double to protect the world from devastation to unite all people within our nation, maybe you think I'm a little too brash but the master is here and his name is Ash!