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Serita McKenzie
it was good

Suzanne Collins
thank you

I appreciate the honesty :)

Agreed! The best website just for procrastinating and typing. Can't think of a better one …

Curtis Baldwin
heh heh


wrench1's cotizaciones

Todos cotizaciones

Max Payne - The Bad Joke Everybody Got But Me
It was the question I kept on asking myself. How could I have been so blind? I'd been convinced the Brancos had got the wrong man for the job, but maybe Da Silva was right. I was the stooge. The bad joke everybody got but me.

Author - Buffalo
His hands were quick, and his aim was true. Jim "Buffalo" Granger's tongue flicked like a snake's, and yet his ego was one of a rowdy Cajun delinquent. Only a single bent hair of your eyebrow could trigger him immensely. And in case you didn't reciprocate his feelings, his snake's tongue could get you to. And if you found yourself at the end of his dead eye, he could slam a round right between your eyes before your brain could even produce the thought of touching your pistol.

WRENCH! - Hard
A user of the site "KeyHero," named "Wrench!," has decided to provide whomever wanders upon this quote a purposefully difficult and infuriating quote. May these extensive, over-complicated, redundant, and out-right verbose sentences provide a difficult typing experience and may this quote be detrimental to your Words Per Minute ratio.

Jeff Rovin - Sting of the Wasp | p. 52
You will be working with people who presented the military with a problem: what do you do with individuals who are so good that conformity in a traditional special ops team would set them back?

WRENCH! - Pouring gasoline on a gasoline fire as gasoline is being poured on it.
"'This quote is short so that you can take a break from all the longer quotes.' These kinds of quotes suck and are unoriginal and decrease my typing speed because I suck." These kinds of quotes are unoriginal. There are already many quotes talking about how those kinds of quotes are unoriginal. Just make something of value for the love of god.

WRENCH! - Confused
I had this account for a few months and wrote a fair share of quotes on this site. Looking at my approved and rated quotes, I noticed something; some people just rate but don't type. Do some of yall just go in this site to read? Do some of yall just not type on a typing website?

WRENCH! - The Final Leg.
Your head throbs with adrenaline and a blood-filled rage. That bastard murdered the people you had fought with, survived with, and loved for the past fifteen years. Your feet stomps in sync with your skull throbbing as you rush towards the swordsman. As you rush him, something snags your leg. It was your bud Bob's leg. You fall on your nose; the last thing you see is the dirt soaked in your blood. All that rage and adrenaline leaking out of your neck.

Anon Mous - The Tragic Case of Mrs. Torey
It was a sad event, really. Mrs. Torey was an alright teacher who was bad at crowd control and taught one rowdy crowd that doesn't like teachers. For the most part the freshmen of that class were quiet but the sophomores and their freshmen friends were constantly yapping back and playing pranks on her. At the end she died from a stroke; most likely from the stress of having to teach assholes for most of her life, maybe from the stress that she was about to die of pneumonia.

Zed is probably one of the worst alternative pronunciations. How do British people even sing their ABCs? Q R S, T U V, W X, Y and goddamned Zed. It is straight up depressing that we as a society normalize Zed instead of banishing it from reality. Anyone who says Zed should be separated from society and be forced to work in the mines for the rest of their sad lives.

WRENCH! - Spoilers!
I recently came across a video which stated that it is scientifically proven that our lives flash before our eyes right when we die. I didn't want to know that, not necessarily because it'd bother me at night, rather I hoped it'd be a surprise. Was there going to be a god? Is god human? Is he an alien? Is he a frog? Was I going to be a frog? But no, life ends with highlights. And then the cringe memories will flash before our eyes. It's like dying twice!