Consejos, cómo llegar a ser más rápido y dominar el teclado

1) Estiramiento

Cuando mis muñecas se pone rígida de escribir, me agarra de mis dedos con una mano y estire mi brazo para de longitud completa y tire mis dedos lentamente. Yo, entonces, estirar mis dedos por la apertura y el cierre, la curva de mis manos hacia atrás y adelante, y rotar mis muñecas.
si usted se siente un poco de dolor en los dedos o los nudillos, sólo hay que poner los brazos en alto, y se enrosca sus dedos (esto sólo si los dedos se siente dolor. ) y si sus nudillos lastimados acaba de poner su mano izquierda en un puño y hacer lo mismo con el derecho. Con la parte inferior de su puño izquierdo, pulsa en los nudillos de su mano derecha y viceversa.

4) Saber de su teclado

Mi sugerencia para mejorar la velocidad de escritura es sentir por la "F" y la "J". Como la mayoría sabe, esas son las cartas que sientes por primera en el teclado. Como pasa el tiempo, y aprender a escribir sin mirar, ni siquiera realmente tiene que "sentir" para la "F" y la "J" usted acaba de aprender el teclado.
También es importante que se familiarice con el teclado que está utilizando. - Esto es esencial ya que, si se puede asignar el teclado en tu mente, no es necesario apartar la mirada de la pantalla para encontrar la clave que usted necesita. Esto también reducirá el tiempo pasado entre la obtención de sus muchos pensamientos en la pantalla antes de perder en ellos (de nuevo).
Si usted está escribiendo a 60 ppm o más, y deseas obtener una mejor, y no se túnel carpiano: comprar un teclado mecánico. Yo uso el interruptor rojo que compré para ambos juegos/escribir, y después de una hora de escribir, mis dedos todavía se siente bien. Yo no recomendaría el rojo para la mayoría de los mecanógrafos--no tienen la retroalimentación que otros tipos de switch tiene, y necesita un tiempo para acostumbrarse a no tocar el suelo las llaves todo el tiempo.

Iniciar formación


La idea es enseñar a sus dedos la ubicación de cada una de las teclas. El teclas F y J tienen un elevado bar o un punto de permitir que su dedo para identificarlos. Una vez que usted ha colocado a sus dos índices en esas claves, el resto de los dedos se colocan en las teclas de al lado de ellos.

Para escribir rápido, usted tiene que tener cuidado con qué dedo usar para pulsar una tecla. Echa un vistazo en el dibujo de abajo. Cada color que coincida con un dedo. Por ejemplo, el índice de la izquierda es de color verde claro y tiene que escribir sólo la luz verde de teclas.

typing test de sugerencias

Algunas teclas especiales. ASDF y JKL; son la base de las posiciones para su fingers.Your dedos van desde la posición de base a la clave que desea de prensa.

Tomar una prueba de mecanografía

Consejos de usuarios

unskilled_typer 2 años, 11 meses atrás
What really helped me improve my typing speed is that my typing is not yet improving since I only been here for a couple of days trying to practice touchtyping.

peach_purple 2 años, 11 meses atrás
My tip to improve your typing speed is to focus on your typing. If you are a beginner please don't put your attention in your words per minute. Focus on your accuracy. Your wpm will come if you master your accuracy. :3

flsi_pt_de 3 años atrás
My tip to improve your typing speed is to train and practice hard. Focus will also help as normally too much noise or distraction do not allow me to go fast and increase my number off errors...

flsi_pt_de 3 años atrás
When my fingers hurt after too much time on the keyboard, I try to relax them by holding a cup of coffee and by walking a bit in my room!

localbisexual 3 años atrás
What really helped me improve my typing speed is slowing down. As counterproductive as it may seem, slowing down helps improve your accuracy, which almost directly correlates to your speed. Don't believe me? Check the statistics beneath the quote.

localbisexual 3 años atrás
When my fingers hurt after too much time on the keyboard, I, apparently, keep typing, as that is what seems to be going on now. I have typed the letter 'o' too many times in the past ten minutes and my right ring finger is starting to become numb.

anandtiwari87 3 años atrás
When my fingers hurt after too much time on the keyboard, I rest for five minutes. I follow 20-5-20 rule, which is focus for 20 minutes relax for 5 minutes and again focus for 20 minutes. Repeat.

lonelycrier2.0 3 años atrás
My tip to improve your typing speed is to keep practicing? Or cry until you get what you want, that worked for me when I was a newborn.

dyingblades 3 años atrás
What really helped me improve my typing speed is...
Raiding without access to a microphone in World of Warcraft. 2008 was a weird year.

slothfulcurve32 3 años, 1 mes atrás
When my fingers hurt after too much time on the keyboard, I... eat a taco from taco bell

And now for this video's sponsor Raid Shadow Legends

user653174 3 años, 1 mes atrás
My tip to improve your typing speed is to type utilizing the home row keys. Don't use single fingers in typing because it is inefficient and you are prone to making mistakes.

uraniumx92 3 años, 1 mes atrás
My tip to improve your typing speed is to keep on practicing . and as cliche as it may sound. you gotta focus on your accuracy rather than focusing on speed and messing up your accuracy.
You keep typing accurately. and you'll notice how your speed will get better.
One more thing is that you gotta understand that the progress is not linear in typing. some days you'll be slow. some days you'll type faster than your normal. then again you'll become slow.
So, don't worry if you see such highs and lows in your progress. eventually your speed is going to improve if you just do the 2 things i mentioned above.
1. Keep practicing
2. Focus on accuracy

hannibal44 3 años, 1 mes atrás
When my fingers hurt after too much time on the keyboard, I stop using my computer for the rest of the day. It's like writing. You don't want to get carpal tunnel because you've been typing so much!

localbisexual 3 años, 1 mes atrás
My tip to improve your typing speed is to don't get too far ahead of yourself. Go word for word, learn the placement of each letter and learn to type them without rushing it.

fiddledy_rick 3 años, 1 mes atrás
My typing history and speeds:
Age: ________Average speed WPM:
0-13 ________20 ish,
13-15 ________20-50
16-18 ________50-120
18-20 ________120-140,
I guess the practice really started from playing GTA and applying cheats lol. But as mentioned in my profile the true inspiration for typing came from a geography teacher in high school who, despite only teaching me for half a year, made such an impact to me as an individual. He gave me confidence and definitely made me make some changes to myself for the better and told the students how important and useful typing is. Just goes to show the importance of good teachers and their effects on people. It never occurred to me how he had such a great influence on me until a year or two ago. Wish someday that I'll go back to thank him for making quite a significant impact on my life.

breezy12405 3 años, 1 mes atrás
What really helped me improve my typing speed is to remember which keys are in which part of the keyboard and to practice. One of my favorite things to type is "The cat in the hat", just so I know where Im at.
