Consejos, cómo llegar a ser más rápido y dominar el teclado

1) Estiramiento

Cuando mis muñecas se pone rígida de escribir, me agarra de mis dedos con una mano y estire mi brazo para de longitud completa y tire mis dedos lentamente. Yo, entonces, estirar mis dedos por la apertura y el cierre, la curva de mis manos hacia atrás y adelante, y rotar mis muñecas.
si usted se siente un poco de dolor en los dedos o los nudillos, sólo hay que poner los brazos en alto, y se enrosca sus dedos (esto sólo si los dedos se siente dolor. ) y si sus nudillos lastimados acaba de poner su mano izquierda en un puño y hacer lo mismo con el derecho. Con la parte inferior de su puño izquierdo, pulsa en los nudillos de su mano derecha y viceversa.

4) Saber de su teclado

Mi sugerencia para mejorar la velocidad de escritura es sentir por la "F" y la "J". Como la mayoría sabe, esas son las cartas que sientes por primera en el teclado. Como pasa el tiempo, y aprender a escribir sin mirar, ni siquiera realmente tiene que "sentir" para la "F" y la "J" usted acaba de aprender el teclado.
También es importante que se familiarice con el teclado que está utilizando. - Esto es esencial ya que, si se puede asignar el teclado en tu mente, no es necesario apartar la mirada de la pantalla para encontrar la clave que usted necesita. Esto también reducirá el tiempo pasado entre la obtención de sus muchos pensamientos en la pantalla antes de perder en ellos (de nuevo).
Si usted está escribiendo a 60 ppm o más, y deseas obtener una mejor, y no se túnel carpiano: comprar un teclado mecánico. Yo uso el interruptor rojo que compré para ambos juegos/escribir, y después de una hora de escribir, mis dedos todavía se siente bien. Yo no recomendaría el rojo para la mayoría de los mecanógrafos--no tienen la retroalimentación que otros tipos de switch tiene, y necesita un tiempo para acostumbrarse a no tocar el suelo las llaves todo el tiempo.

Iniciar formación


La idea es enseñar a sus dedos la ubicación de cada una de las teclas. El teclas F y J tienen un elevado bar o un punto de permitir que su dedo para identificarlos. Una vez que usted ha colocado a sus dos índices en esas claves, el resto de los dedos se colocan en las teclas de al lado de ellos.

Para escribir rápido, usted tiene que tener cuidado con qué dedo usar para pulsar una tecla. Echa un vistazo en el dibujo de abajo. Cada color que coincida con un dedo. Por ejemplo, el índice de la izquierda es de color verde claro y tiene que escribir sólo la luz verde de teclas.

typing test de sugerencias

Algunas teclas especiales. ASDF y JKL; son la base de las posiciones para su fingers.Your dedos van desde la posición de base a la clave que desea de prensa.

Tomar una prueba de mecanografía

Consejos de usuarios

fiddledy_rick 3 años, 3 meses atrás
What really helped me improve my typing speed is good posture, a vast amount of focus on accuracy and finally I cannot stress this enough: cocaine.

v3suvius 3 años, 3 meses atrás
What really helped me improve my typing speed is not focusing on the content of the quote. No matter what you do, do not think about what you are writing, it will distract you. It's happening right now isn't it? you are messing up aren't you? Well try not to let it happen again and you should be fine.

user93567 3 años, 4 meses atrás
i am doing good at (average 60 wpm) but when i go to mastertyping software which is used in our exam skill tests there my speed get down as 45 to 50

user97001 3 años, 4 meses atrás
When my fingers hurt after too much time on the keyboard, I... take a break so that not only my hands can be rested and so my eyes too

kyledes 3 años, 4 meses atrás
In order to make a change, besides the inevitable risks involved in every type of change (that is, you don't know whether it'd be better or worse after the change), two things, two old habits need to break also. Firstly, I never buy a new thing unless the old thing is totally and unmistakeably broken. Secondly... oops I forgot what is the second bad habit.

kyledes 3 años, 4 meses atrás
But then... this is not a scientific study. It is only my experience, some thought, and perception, not enough even to convince myself to scrap the old keyboard and buy a new one of a new type. After all, the one I am using right now, the bad one, is more expensive than all the other keyboards I ever touched in my whole life, combined.

kyledes 3 años, 4 meses atrás
Reevaluation and correction: when you "feel but not hit" a key, you are not so much looking for a reference for key locations as much as you are looking for a height reference! You want to find out how high your fingers are hanging, in order to calculate (subconsciously) how high (how deep) you need to dive (to hit).

kyledes 3 años, 4 meses atrás
On top of the original "press distance," you also need to bounce extra-high, for insurance! which is tiring... And bigger bouncing height means the need for greater velocity to compensate to maintain typing speed, and greater velocity means heavier hit, and a heavier hit defeats the original purpose of the design of the blue-switches -- its lightness, its delicacy!

kyledes 3 años, 4 meses atrás
Moreover, you cannot type those "frequent combinations of keys" with a smooth "slide" move as you would be able to with a rubber film keyboard. This is difficult to explain... but let me try to tell "what is a slide?" -- it means after you press one key, you do not hurry to release it, but rather use it as an anchor to locate the next key depending on the location-relation between the two. So, you press the next key and release the current key at the same time; and your finger "slides" half-height as you would normally hang, from one key to another, which would be a smooth action, and "smooth is fast"! But wait, with the blue switches, you cannot do that! You would trigger all the other keys between the above-said two in the sliding path! Therefore, you cannot slide. You must bounce all the time! The original "press distance" is already long and on top of that distance, you also have to

kyledes 3 años, 4 meses atrás
When the switch is too light, it also means you cannot rest any finger on a key (for example a home key) during fast typing in order to find a benchmark (reference) of key locations. The ramification of this is that at first, you would type faster because you start from the home rows and you know the relative locations of keys. From there on, your whole hands have to suspend above in the air all the time and the overall hand position relative to the board would change. Because you cannot "feel but not hit" a key in order to reposition. You cannot be sure whether or not that "feel" action would trigger the sensitive switch!

kyledes 3 años, 4 meses atrás
Mechanical keyboards... The blue-switch ones really suck, guys! After so many frustrations, I carefully pressed to feel the key. Among other things, I found that if you press fast enough, the spring mechanism that results in the click sound (and feel) will fail to catch up. Obviously, there is very bad for fast typing! It means there is a threshold of typing speed, and your fingers get different feedback depending on whether you are above or below that threshold, which means the feedback is inconsistent! Every key is like a trap! With a sensitive trigger! This means you are prone to mistype: you need to hit heavy, and hit bottom, in order to type one key, because the click is not reliable feedback; but at the same time, you also need to hit lightly, and absolutely accurately, because a slight skew would trigger the neighbor key of which you intended to type.

meat 3 años, 4 meses atrás
Practice, practice, practice, and don't shortcut your hard keys. If you hate apostrophes, capital "I's", or quotation marks, try to do them with out looking at your keyboard no matter how long it takes you to get it down, without shortcutting it. Just take the time on your wpm to get them solidly down and then they will become like any other key.

catcrazymel001 3 años, 4 meses atrás
When my fingers hurt after too much time on the keyboard, I...stretch not only my fingers but my legs, arms, ect. Then 5 mins. later come back and do it again.

testabe-accnt 3 años, 4 meses atrás
When my fingers hurt after too much time on the keyboard, I... take a break, wash my hands in cold water and massage them with hand lotion.

user720223 3 años, 4 meses atrás
When my fingers hurt after too much time on the keyboard, I physically unscrew them, lay them in a row and liberally spray them with a vegetable-based lubricant before reattaching them again in the correct order. I then proceed to remove lubricant from unnecessary surfaces with the help of isopropyl alcohol before resuming my typing pain-free! Of course, readers may be wondering how I
(a) manage to unscrew my digits in the first place, and
(b) find the dexterity to remove all digits on my hands in one go
Well, allow me to expand. I am a well-built robot with 96% of my parts being removable and replaceable, so digit removal is really not an issue for me. And for those wondering how I remove and replace my hand digits, well, I use my toes to undertake the task by re-routing my finger-control systems to my feet. Clever, eh? Unlike my use of punctuation but not even robots are perfect

shmogglebeans 3 años, 4 meses atrás
When I was a child, my dad was a chicken pecker when it came to typing. He always wanted to be faster with computers, and had he lived to see the modern age of technology, I believe he would have loved this website. He bought me Mavis Beacon and All The Right Type to practice at home, and I frequently found him taking breaks from work to plod his way through typing tests, staring ardently at his hands to make sure they stayed on the home row. Now, at my best, I can type over 100 WPM, and I owe that dedication and determination to him.
