Consejos, cómo llegar a ser más rápido y dominar el teclado

1) Estiramiento

Cuando mis muñecas se pone rígida de escribir, me agarra de mis dedos con una mano y estire mi brazo para de longitud completa y tire mis dedos lentamente. Yo, entonces, estirar mis dedos por la apertura y el cierre, la curva de mis manos hacia atrás y adelante, y rotar mis muñecas.
si usted se siente un poco de dolor en los dedos o los nudillos, sólo hay que poner los brazos en alto, y se enrosca sus dedos (esto sólo si los dedos se siente dolor. ) y si sus nudillos lastimados acaba de poner su mano izquierda en un puño y hacer lo mismo con el derecho. Con la parte inferior de su puño izquierdo, pulsa en los nudillos de su mano derecha y viceversa.

4) Saber de su teclado

Mi sugerencia para mejorar la velocidad de escritura es sentir por la "F" y la "J". Como la mayoría sabe, esas son las cartas que sientes por primera en el teclado. Como pasa el tiempo, y aprender a escribir sin mirar, ni siquiera realmente tiene que "sentir" para la "F" y la "J" usted acaba de aprender el teclado.
También es importante que se familiarice con el teclado que está utilizando. - Esto es esencial ya que, si se puede asignar el teclado en tu mente, no es necesario apartar la mirada de la pantalla para encontrar la clave que usted necesita. Esto también reducirá el tiempo pasado entre la obtención de sus muchos pensamientos en la pantalla antes de perder en ellos (de nuevo).
Si usted está escribiendo a 60 ppm o más, y deseas obtener una mejor, y no se túnel carpiano: comprar un teclado mecánico. Yo uso el interruptor rojo que compré para ambos juegos/escribir, y después de una hora de escribir, mis dedos todavía se siente bien. Yo no recomendaría el rojo para la mayoría de los mecanógrafos--no tienen la retroalimentación que otros tipos de switch tiene, y necesita un tiempo para acostumbrarse a no tocar el suelo las llaves todo el tiempo.

Iniciar formación


La idea es enseñar a sus dedos la ubicación de cada una de las teclas. El teclas F y J tienen un elevado bar o un punto de permitir que su dedo para identificarlos. Una vez que usted ha colocado a sus dos índices en esas claves, el resto de los dedos se colocan en las teclas de al lado de ellos.

Para escribir rápido, usted tiene que tener cuidado con qué dedo usar para pulsar una tecla. Echa un vistazo en el dibujo de abajo. Cada color que coincida con un dedo. Por ejemplo, el índice de la izquierda es de color verde claro y tiene que escribir sólo la luz verde de teclas.

typing test de sugerencias

Algunas teclas especiales. ASDF y JKL; son la base de las posiciones para su fingers.Your dedos van desde la posición de base a la clave que desea de prensa.

Tomar una prueba de mecanografía

Consejos de usuarios

fartchili 3 años, 4 meses atrás
I set myself a goal speed, like 90WPM, and whenever I don't meet that speed on a test, I click on the title and train on the quote until I either reach that speed or do the test five times. That way my fingers get accustomed to whatever made me mess up more or get slower on the quote. It's way better than just dreading any time a quote comes up with keys I'm not good at. Practicing the same quote over and over also helps my fingers "memorize" certain combinations of keys so they can perform them without me having to think about it. The more combinations my fingers know, the faster I can type.
I also make sure that I'm using the right fingers on the right keys. The more you practice pressing a key with the wrong finger, the stronger the bad habit becomes. I intentionally slow down and make sure I'm typing the right way every once in a while.

peter00151 3 años, 4 meses atrás
While typing on a desktop keyboard, always remove left control key cap when you want to type a little faster to prevent unintentional tab shutdown ctrl+w. It makes you feel great knowing this silly painstaking accident would not happen that much anymore. And of course if you will, remember to put that cap back in place.

mach3 3 años, 5 meses atrás
A good strategy seems to be 1st to focus on accuracy, and 2nd to focus on a consistent typing pace, NOT speed. Once the time between hitting each letter is balanced, speeding up simply becomes a matter of repetition.

u_name 3 años, 5 meses atrás
What really helped me improve my typing speed is typing without looking at the keyboard (Although that can take time for beginners to achieve)

user95418 3 años, 5 meses atrás
When my fingers hurt after too much time on the keyboard, I...Stop writing and take a small rest. Then start writing again. (Thank you).

gabetax 3 años, 5 meses atrás
@emeraldsloth I started logging this about one or two months after migrating to Colemak from QWERTY. On QWERTY I was generally 120-140wpm, so I think I'm primarily restoring the speed I already had. I think a lot of speed comes down to memorizing individual words; the first time I type an uncommon word my speed dramatically drops, and when I practice common vs rare words (Monkeytype has this feature), the common words are much faster. My advice would fall under:

1. Go slow enough to focus on accuracy. A handful of errors drops my WPM for a test by 10-30.
2. Use peripheral vision to look a little ahead of what you're typing. The little bit of extra time lets your brain plan and queue up the physical motion your fingers will make.
3. Breathe.
4. Practice, often, and diversify how you practice. Transcribing visually only gets you so far. Practice taking dictation (possibly from TV)

nickbiiybwalley 3 años, 5 meses atrás
What really helped me improve my typing speed is...
(i) Learning Touch Typing
(ii) Focusing on Accuracy and not speed as you type
(iii) Practicing each and every day

waqasahmad 3 años, 5 meses atrás
My tip to improve your typing speed is to..."Just concentrate on accuracy of typing but not speed, speed will automatically establish".

kelvinpaul 3 años, 6 meses atrás
Just concentrate accuracy, finally your hand automatically speed up your typing. You don't need to forcefully increase your typing speed.

justinebarza 3 años, 6 meses atrás
My tip to improve your typing speed is to... go slow. Start little by little, you don't need to type fast when you are still on the process of practicing. You'll get fast along the way and you won't even notice it. Accuracy is more important than speed when it comes to typing. When you get high accuracy, your speed will follow up eventually.

ilyas_mohdd 3 años, 6 meses atrás
My tip to improve your typing speed is to type slowly and accurately, just focus on accuracy and your typing speed will become faster than before. If you try to type faster and make mistakes than your time will go to correct mistakes and it will decrease your typing speed and accuracy, so type slowly and accurately. Just remember one thing typing speed will increase only with practicing typing accurately.

v3suvius 3 años, 6 meses atrás
My tip to improve your typing speed is to concentrate on accuracy over speed. There is a time between when you have learned to touch type but are not yet that fast when you plateau for a while. Usually the solution to this is to focus on accuracy over speed, many people push to be faster instead sacrificing accuracy that inevitably leads to a brick wall in terms of progress.

zhang 3 años, 7 meses atrás
yoo. who the hell deleted my 165 WPM record and my last few games? my typing average was literally a 151 and now it’s 144. screw you

user68783 3 años, 7 meses atrás
The most important thing about typing is practicing consistently, getting a good feeling for the keyboard you are using. Sit properly, and sit the same way that you do when you type all the time. You should focus on certain words that trip you up, slow down when you are practicing, and slowly speed up as you get better at typing certain words, and certain phrases. I think it's most important however is to try to enjoy typing, when you enjoy something you do it more and more, and you gradually will improve at a faster rate. Have fun and good luck! I'm currently at an average of 120wpm and I hope to improve even further, I know you can do it too!

user958697 3 años, 7 meses atrás
I became "tired" after typing only a few quotes. Then, I carefully examined: exactly which part of me is "tired"? And I found that it is not the eyes (the receiving device), nor the fingers (the transmitting device) but the brain (the processing device). It's all in the head. Not enough blood is pumping into the head. They say that in order to achieve anything, you must first "imagine (visualize)" it in your head vividly how the "achieved state" is like. Well, that principle is not only applicable to "hopes and dreams" on the scale of a lifetime, but also on a word-by-word basis. At the "tired" state, my head is no longer clearly imagining how a word is typed, but it has delegated the task entirely to the eyes and fingers, which seek to resort to "luck" and attempt to accomplish the task (the typing of a word) through tries and errors. So once again, in short, "it's all in the head".

nevergonnagiveyouup 3 años, 7 meses atrás
My tip to improve your typing speed is to...never give you up.
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye

We've known each other for so long
Your heart's been aching, but you're too shy to say it
Inside, we both know what's been going on
We know the game, and we're gonna play it
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

And if you ask me how I'm feeling
Don't tell me you're too blind to see

Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
