Consejos, cómo llegar a ser más rápido y dominar el teclado

1) Estiramiento

Cuando mis muñecas se pone rígida de escribir, me agarra de mis dedos con una mano y estire mi brazo para de longitud completa y tire mis dedos lentamente. Yo, entonces, estirar mis dedos por la apertura y el cierre, la curva de mis manos hacia atrás y adelante, y rotar mis muñecas.
si usted se siente un poco de dolor en los dedos o los nudillos, sólo hay que poner los brazos en alto, y se enrosca sus dedos (esto sólo si los dedos se siente dolor. ) y si sus nudillos lastimados acaba de poner su mano izquierda en un puño y hacer lo mismo con el derecho. Con la parte inferior de su puño izquierdo, pulsa en los nudillos de su mano derecha y viceversa.

4) Saber de su teclado

Mi sugerencia para mejorar la velocidad de escritura es sentir por la "F" y la "J". Como la mayoría sabe, esas son las cartas que sientes por primera en el teclado. Como pasa el tiempo, y aprender a escribir sin mirar, ni siquiera realmente tiene que "sentir" para la "F" y la "J" usted acaba de aprender el teclado.
También es importante que se familiarice con el teclado que está utilizando. - Esto es esencial ya que, si se puede asignar el teclado en tu mente, no es necesario apartar la mirada de la pantalla para encontrar la clave que usted necesita. Esto también reducirá el tiempo pasado entre la obtención de sus muchos pensamientos en la pantalla antes de perder en ellos (de nuevo).
Si usted está escribiendo a 60 ppm o más, y deseas obtener una mejor, y no se túnel carpiano: comprar un teclado mecánico. Yo uso el interruptor rojo que compré para ambos juegos/escribir, y después de una hora de escribir, mis dedos todavía se siente bien. Yo no recomendaría el rojo para la mayoría de los mecanógrafos--no tienen la retroalimentación que otros tipos de switch tiene, y necesita un tiempo para acostumbrarse a no tocar el suelo las llaves todo el tiempo.

Iniciar formación


La idea es enseñar a sus dedos la ubicación de cada una de las teclas. El teclas F y J tienen un elevado bar o un punto de permitir que su dedo para identificarlos. Una vez que usted ha colocado a sus dos índices en esas claves, el resto de los dedos se colocan en las teclas de al lado de ellos.

Para escribir rápido, usted tiene que tener cuidado con qué dedo usar para pulsar una tecla. Echa un vistazo en el dibujo de abajo. Cada color que coincida con un dedo. Por ejemplo, el índice de la izquierda es de color verde claro y tiene que escribir sólo la luz verde de teclas.

typing test de sugerencias

Algunas teclas especiales. ASDF y JKL; son la base de las posiciones para su fingers.Your dedos van desde la posición de base a la clave que desea de prensa.

Tomar una prueba de mecanografía

Consejos de usuarios

vyshakkriss 3 años, 10 meses atrás
What really helped me improve my typing speed is typing every day.
Practice typing each day and you will improve.
That is the only way to fast typing.
I started at very low speed, and now my avg is 50

ibrahimalshash 3 años, 10 meses atrás
don't try to type faster because that will make you slower.
It is important to focus on typing correctly, and let your mind move your hands freely. you will notice that your wpm increased automatically.

superboa 3 años, 10 meses atrás
I just slam my fingers on the keyboard and cool stuff happens. Sorry that I was born with this amazing skill. But just because I was birthed while typing about foxes jumping over lazy dogs, doesn't mean you can't become just as good. Just Train. Or Monorail, that's good too.

treasure 3 años, 10 meses atrás
What really helped me improve my typing speed is...Maybe just repeating it for so really helped alot(even though it took me way too long to type this lol)

user90632 3 años, 10 meses atrás
What really helped me improve my typing speed is consistency of playing. Actually, I would have never thought that my typing speed would improve just by playing on this site, like for real. My starting speed is 50 wpm and I'm so proud of it, but then it improve to 60 wpm average then 70. Keeping 80 wpm on average is still difficult for me since I am a beginner typist so I hope you understand.

user90632 3 años, 10 meses atrás
When my fingers hurt after too much time on the keyboard, I let loose a little bit and rest or grab my pen and write something to also improve my handwriting because my penmanship is terrible ever since I learned how to write.

user84672 3 años, 10 meses atrás
When my fingers hurt after too much time on the keyboard, I feel some deja vu because I feel like I already did this quote. JK, I actually did this and I really have nothing new to say. BUT if your fingers do hurt after too much time on the keyboard then cut them off. Your fingers can't hurt if you have none. amiright?

clement 3 años, 10 meses atrás
My tip to improve your typing speed is to not care about accuracy. Lets say you manage to repeatedly smash the average 101 keyboard keys, about 10 times per second. This might seem impossible, but through the use of a tool such as a rock or chair we can reach that. That means that you can type 5 characters per half second. Knowing the average word length is 5 characters, we know we can now type 1 word per half second, or 120 words per minute. Impressive, huh?

clement 3 años, 10 meses atrás
What really helped me improve my typing speed is being 12 years old, and having the benefit of a very neoplastic brain. Meaning my muscle memory will build far faster than an average adult, and I will be able to quickly build habits. These could include typing on the proper button of my keyboard, but could also be at a larger scale, such as routinely practicing my typing.

diyaannasunil 3 años, 10 meses atrás
My tip to improve your typing speed is to practice...
Give it your best shot...
And if you already are pro in it, believe me, there's a whole way to go through; you'll never reach the end of learning...

iamthekeymaster 3 años, 11 meses atrás
I found a keyboard that helps me to type without looking at my fingers. It's called the Learning Lights Keyboard. You can turn off the lights so you can't see the keys when you're working on typing. I like it a lot better than what I used before. If you're interested, website where I found it is

darnned 3 años, 11 meses atrás
I believe typing is more than just an activity; and it is a hobby. I enjoy typing very much, and I feel that people don't exactly understand how important having a good WPS is. Especially since in the next 10 years, everything is probably gonna be virtual. And I believe having good typing skills is crucial.

Respuesta 3 años, 11 meses atrás
Over the past few years, I have been typing non-stop. It became a hobby for me as I would use websites like NitroType, Keyhero, and Monkeytype every other day. As you can see in the span of almost three years, I was able to improve my WPM to an average of 100 words per minute! It is fairly exciting but I strive to get an even faster typing speed.

user91243 3 años, 11 meses atrás
What really helped me improve my typing speed is not actually thinking about speed but by thinking about accuracy. At first I used to type very fast and my only thought was to type as fast as I could. But later after two three days I started realizing that the lesser I made mistakes the more I was I able to type fast. Yes! It worked I started to learn typing very slow and try to get fully accurate every single time and slowly unknowingly I was increasing my speed also.

eespinoza15 3 años, 11 meses atrás
My tip to improve your typing speed is to focus on learning where all the keys are without having to look at the keyboard. Learn where all the keys and memorize their placement just like you would memorize the buttons to a Playstation or Xbox controller. Focus on accuracy before you work on speed because with accuracy come speed.

sparkie_doodle 3 años, 11 meses atrás
My tip to improve your typing speed is to learn your keyboard mapping and places of the keyboard. Learn how to type fast and how to start well.
