Consejos, cómo llegar a ser más rápido y dominar el teclado

1) Estiramiento

Cuando mis muñecas se pone rígida de escribir, me agarra de mis dedos con una mano y estire mi brazo para de longitud completa y tire mis dedos lentamente. Yo, entonces, estirar mis dedos por la apertura y el cierre, la curva de mis manos hacia atrás y adelante, y rotar mis muñecas.
si usted se siente un poco de dolor en los dedos o los nudillos, sólo hay que poner los brazos en alto, y se enrosca sus dedos (esto sólo si los dedos se siente dolor. ) y si sus nudillos lastimados acaba de poner su mano izquierda en un puño y hacer lo mismo con el derecho. Con la parte inferior de su puño izquierdo, pulsa en los nudillos de su mano derecha y viceversa.

4) Saber de su teclado

Mi sugerencia para mejorar la velocidad de escritura es sentir por la "F" y la "J". Como la mayoría sabe, esas son las cartas que sientes por primera en el teclado. Como pasa el tiempo, y aprender a escribir sin mirar, ni siquiera realmente tiene que "sentir" para la "F" y la "J" usted acaba de aprender el teclado.
También es importante que se familiarice con el teclado que está utilizando. - Esto es esencial ya que, si se puede asignar el teclado en tu mente, no es necesario apartar la mirada de la pantalla para encontrar la clave que usted necesita. Esto también reducirá el tiempo pasado entre la obtención de sus muchos pensamientos en la pantalla antes de perder en ellos (de nuevo).
Si usted está escribiendo a 60 ppm o más, y deseas obtener una mejor, y no se túnel carpiano: comprar un teclado mecánico. Yo uso el interruptor rojo que compré para ambos juegos/escribir, y después de una hora de escribir, mis dedos todavía se siente bien. Yo no recomendaría el rojo para la mayoría de los mecanógrafos--no tienen la retroalimentación que otros tipos de switch tiene, y necesita un tiempo para acostumbrarse a no tocar el suelo las llaves todo el tiempo.

Iniciar formación


La idea es enseñar a sus dedos la ubicación de cada una de las teclas. El teclas F y J tienen un elevado bar o un punto de permitir que su dedo para identificarlos. Una vez que usted ha colocado a sus dos índices en esas claves, el resto de los dedos se colocan en las teclas de al lado de ellos.

Para escribir rápido, usted tiene que tener cuidado con qué dedo usar para pulsar una tecla. Echa un vistazo en el dibujo de abajo. Cada color que coincida con un dedo. Por ejemplo, el índice de la izquierda es de color verde claro y tiene que escribir sólo la luz verde de teclas.

typing test de sugerencias

Algunas teclas especiales. ASDF y JKL; son la base de las posiciones para su fingers.Your dedos van desde la posición de base a la clave que desea de prensa.

Tomar una prueba de mecanografía

Consejos de usuarios

jogri 2 años, 3 meses atrás
2022-08-23_ More practice, just getting slowly better. Quite linearly actually which is strange. Interestingly, most times when I casually type on the keyboard while going about my day, I'm still defaulting to index finger on spacebar duty. Let's see if I can't change that.

Recent speed = 68.60
Recent accuracy = 95.20%

jogri 2 años, 4 meses atrás
2022-08-17_ We still climbing. Recently been practicing a bit on my normal keyboard and my laptop keyboard. Split keyboard can go live in a hole for now.

Recent speed = 60.78
Recent accuracy = 94.56%

jogri 2 años, 4 meses atrás
2022-08-14_ Still progressing with my new typing style. Using more of my pinky fingers and left thumb spacebar. Still doesn't feel as natural as pressing space with my right index but we're getting there. Giving up on the split keyboard but keeping the good habits.

Recent speed = 59.14
Recent accuracy = 93.20%

user821553 2 años, 4 meses atrás
What really helped me improve my typing speed is focusing more on accuracy. The more I type correctly, it builds up my "muscle memory" to the point that I don't have to look at my fingers to make sure they are properly placed! That in turn helps my SPEED!

appa_ji_ 2 años, 4 meses atrás
Very big Thank you from my side …..
i don’t even come to know how i improve my typing speed from average of about 20 to nowadays i able to struck about 45 (mostly i type between 35-45)..i know its not superfast its kind of slow but i never imagined myself i could type without looking at keyboard…but now i am typing with a speed of about 35-45 wpm…thanks once again…

jogri 2 años, 4 meses atrás
2022-08-05_ So another day of me modifying my typing. I'm slowly folding in better habits. Left thumb spacebar is making sense, so now I'm including my left pinky in typing a's and q's. Apostrophes are still a bit of an issue though. But I'm getting there.

Recent speed = 50.69
Recent accuracy = 90.76%

jogri 2 años, 4 meses atrás
2022-07-31_ After going back to the old keyboard, and using my right index finger to press the spacebar again. I feel SO much more comfortable typing again. It kinda makes me dread trying to learn the split keyboard again. Though arguably I'm just on the hump of learning. I HAVE felt the niceness of the thumb spacebar just happening for me sometimes. But for the most part it is just uncomfortable. All the fingers feel lost. It's gross when compared to the old way.

jogri 2 años, 4 meses atrás
2022-07-29_ After doing enough games to register a changed average, let's update things to see where I am at. I feel like the main difference is not the keyboard as much as it is changing from pressing the spacebar with my right index to my left thumb that accounts for the big discrepancy in speed.

Left thumb is just in need of practice and drills to keep improving.

Recent speed = 53.54
Recent accuracy = 92.14
Recent PB
Monkeytype = 70wpm

jogri 2 años, 4 meses atrás
2022-07-27_ So 2 weeks ago I started typing on a new keyboard. I was doing dreadfully. It's the split keyboard that Geoff had and has revealed a lot of poor habits in my typing, e.g. not pressing space with left thumb, reaching for B with my right hand, reaching for Y with my left.

Now I'm kinda back to where I started, typing at max 60-65 wpm on monkeytype. But it should be onwards and upwards from there.

sababa_chu 2 años, 4 meses atrás
This website just changed its profile average typing speed history. My graph is so much less accurate and makes me look bad. I have hit 90 wpm average many times consistently before and now it only shows that I have done that once.

furamex 2 años, 4 meses atrás
My tip to improve your typing speed is to practice everyday. Even on days that you're not feeling it. After all random burst of practice are not going to make you better, constant and consistent practice will. Also be patient with yourself! You're not going to be great at first, but eventually you will!

user295615 2 años, 5 meses atrás
what should be the correct palm posture while typing? I have been practicing for quite sometime now but I am not satisfied with performance. Actually I have developed the habit of lifting my palm over the keyboard and because of that I think I make lot of errors. I have tried to type by resting my palms but because of my habit of raising my palms, I find if very difficult to type. Please help me.

jogri 2 años, 5 meses atrás
2022-07-01_ It remains true that generally the first 15 mins of typing for the day has my fingers moving super well. Nicely oiled up. After that it must be fatigue slowing them down, causing miss-hits or no-hits. It's the difference between consistent 80+ WPM and maybe 65+ with lots of errors, sometimes dropping below 70.

Recent speed = 76.81
Recent accuracy = 96.28
Current PBs
Typetest_io (1 min) = 96wpm
Typetest_io (30 sec) = 100wpm (106 on Monkeytype)

user7260 2 años, 5 meses atrás
<a href="" title="user7260's typing test profile"><img src="" alt="user7260's typing test WPM" style="vertical-align:middle"></a>

user7260 2 años, 5 meses atrás
When my fingers hurt after too much time on the keyboard, I...take rest of 5 minutes and drink coffee to refresh my self so can I work more

jogri 2 años, 6 meses atrás
2022-06-16_ Today I hit 100WPM on typetest_io 30 seconds. This is my second 30 min practice session for the day, and during this one I really hit my stride for a bit. My fingers have just felt faster and generally more accurate. Feelsgood JPG

Recent speed = 75.81
Recent accuracy = 96.06%
Typetest_io (1 min) = 91wpm
Typetest_io (30 sec) = 100wpm - PB
