Prueba Personalizada

Poop4821 by user111075


OOfgaming4418 by user111075


Hello by yi870207

Once upon a time in the bustling world of Scotiabank, a group of phone advisors were about to embark on an exciting new journey. These advisors, known for their impeccable phone manners, were transitioning into the realm of chat advising. The air was filled with anticipation and a hint of nervous excitement.

Leading the charge was a facilitator who gathered the team for a pep talk. "Alright, team! We're moving from phone to chat. This is our chance to shape the future of client service. Let's be result-driven, strive for better, and make sure everyone feels included."

The team, a mix of seasoned pros and eager newcomers, nodded enthusiastically. They were ready to embrace this new challenge. The first few days were a whirlwind of learning: typing speed tests, emoji etiquette classes, and mastering the art of conveying empathy through text. There were a few hiccups, like the time one advisor accidentally sent a client a string of cat emojis instead of the account balance. But they laughed it off and kept going.

One day, an advisor received a chat from a client who was having a tough time understanding their day-to-day banking options. The advisor typed out a detailed explanation, complete with links to helpful resources. The client replied with a virtual high-five emoji and a heartfelt thank you. The advisor beamed with pride.

Meanwhile, the team leader was busy analyzing chat metrics, ensuring the team was hitting their targets. They were determined to be the best chat advisors Scotiabank had ever seen. The leader's motto, "Strive for better," became the team's rallying cry.

As the weeks went by, the team grew more confident. They shared tips and tricks, celebrated each other's successes, and supported one another through the occasional typo mishap. They were not just colleagues; they were a family, united by their commitment to excellence and inclusivity.

And so, the team continued to thrive, always striving for better, shaping the future, and ensuring that every client felt valued and included. They were the chat advisors of Scotiabank, and they were ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.

Zinsvolgorde tekst by nets1nsky

De zinsvolgorde in het Nederlands is een van de belangrijkste aspecten van de taal en kan soms lastig te begrijpen zijn, vooral voor mensen die Nederlands als tweede taal leren. Het is essentieel om de basisprincipes te begrijpen, omdat de volgorde van woorden invloed heeft op de betekenis van de zin. Het Nederlands heeft een relatief vaste zinsvolgorde, maar er zijn verschillende variaties afhankelijk van het type zin, de context en de gebruikte woorden.

In een gewone hoofdzin staat de werkwoordelijke groep meestal op de tweede plaats, terwijl het onderwerp aan het begin van de zin komt. Bijvoorbeeld: Ik eet een appel. Hier staat het onderwerp ik aan het begin, gevolgd door het werkwoord eet. Dit is de meest gebruikelijke volgorde, bekend als de SVO-structuur (subject-verb-object).

Wanneer er een ander element aan het begin van de zin staat, bijvoorbeeld een tijdsaanduiding of een plaatsaanduiding, verschuift het onderwerp naar een andere positie in de zin. Dit wordt de inversie genoemd. Bijvoorbeeld: Morgen ga ik naar de stad. Hier staat morgen aan het begin van de zin, en wordt het onderwerp ik naar de derde positie verplaatst, terwijl het werkwoord ga op de tweede plaats blijft.

In bijzinconstructies is de zinsvolgorde anders. Het belangrijkste kenmerk van bijzinnen is dat het werkwoord aan het einde van de zin staat. Bijvoorbeeld: Ik weet dat hij morgen komt. Hier staat dat aan het begin van de bijzin, en het werkwoord komt staat helemaal aan het einde. Dit maakt het Nederlands bijzonder en onderscheidt het van veel andere talen waarin de werkwoordsvolgorde in bijzinnen minder strikt is.

Naast de basisstructuur zijn er ook regels voor de volgorde van meerdere werkwoorden in een zin. In samengestelde tijden, zoals de voltooide tijd, staan hulpwerkwoorden meestal vooraan in de werkwoordelijke groep, terwijl het voltooid deelwoord aan het einde staat. Bijvoorbeeld: Hij heeft een boek gelezen. Hier staat heeft vooraan en gelezen aan het einde. Bij bijzinnen kan deze volgorde soms omkeren, afhankelijk van de complexiteit van de zin. Bijvoorbeeld: Omdat hij het boek gelezen heeft.

Een andere interessante regel betreft modale werkwoorden zoals kunnen, moeten en willen. Deze worden gevolgd door een infinitief die naar het einde van de zin verplaatst wordt. Bijvoorbeeld: Ik moet morgen werken. Hier wordt werken naar het einde van de zin verplaatst.

Bij vraagzinnen verschuift de zinsvolgorde opnieuw. In ja/nee-vragen komt het werkwoord altijd aan het begin van de zin. Bijvoorbeeld: Kom jij morgen? Hier staat kom op de eerste plaats. Bij open vragen begint de zin meestal met een vraagwoord zoals wie, wat, waar, of hoe, gevolgd door het werkwoord. Bijvoorbeeld: Waar ga jij heen?

Naast deze algemene regels zijn er talloze nuances en uitzonderingen. Het gebruik van conjuncties zoals en, maar, of, want, en dus kan de structuur van de zin beïnvloeden. Sommige conjuncties, zoals dat, omdat en terwijl, introduceren bijzinnen, waardoor het werkwoord naar het einde van de zin wordt verplaatst. Andere, zoals en en maar, verbinden twee hoofdzinnen waarbij de werkwoordvolgorde intact blijft.

Tot slot is er ook het gebruik van bijwoorden en andere zinsdelen die invloed kunnen hebben op de volgorde. Bijwoorden zoals altijd, nooit en vaak staan meestal na het werkwoord in de hoofdzin, maar voor het werkwoord in de bijzin. Bijvoorbeeld: Ik ga vaak naar de winkel en Omdat ik vaak naar de winkel ga.

De Nederlandse zinsvolgorde lijkt misschien complex, maar door veel te oefenen en te lezen wordt het uiteindelijk eenvoudiger om de regels toe te passen. Het belangrijkste is om bewust te zijn van de positie van het werkwoord, omdat dit de kern vormt van de Nederlandse grammatica.

AFFC - Samwell 4 by poschti

The Cinnamon Wind is somewhere off the coast of Dorne as Sam leads a prayer service to mourn the passing of Aemon Targaryen. Xhondo's information on the three dragons had given Maester Aemon a second wind, but it was not enough.

Sam recalls some of the ancient maester's words during the sea voyage from Braavos, "No one ever looked for a girl. It was a prince that was promised... Rhaegar, I thought... The error crept in from the translation. Dragons are neither male nor female... Daenerys is the one, born amidst salt and smoke... Lady Melisandre has misread the signs. Stannis has some of the dragon blood in him, yes... Rhaelle, Egg's little girl, she was how they (the Baratheons) came by it... They must send her a maester. Daenerys must be counseled, taught, protected..."

Aemon begged Sam to convince the archmaesters of this, and later rambled some of the following (perhaps prophetic) lines: "a glass candle that could not be lit; eggs that would not hatch; the sphinx was the riddle, not the riddler."

Gilly and Sam sit together after the eulogy, drinking rum. Gilly points out that had Aemon remained on the Wall, Melisandre might have sacrificed him for his king's blood. Jon must have known this, and sent the old maester, as well as Dalla's boy, to save them from the Red Woman's fires.

Gilly then says that she will name the boy Aemon Steelsong once he reaches the age of two. Below decks, Sam and Gilly have sex, although he is consumed by guilt for forsaking his vows. Afterwards, Sam tries to avoid Gilly, but Kojja corners him and tells him that what he and Gilly did was considered holy in the Summer Islands, a way of honoring the dead by celebrating life.

Kojja advises Sam that Gilly knows they can never be man and wife, but there was nothing wrong with them comforting each other on the long journey. Sam is persuaded, but perhaps it is because Kojja threatens to throw him overboard if he does not continue sleeping with Gilly.

Chap 8 by singed57557

Pip knew he had changed and not for the best since he had met Mr Jaggers and learnt that he was to become a gentleman. What does this tell us about Pip?

It tells us that Pip is a person with a guilty conscience that blames him for his mistakes.

Say if you agree or disagree with the following statement giving reasons: "Pip had a guilty conscience."

I completely agree with that. Pip knew he had changed for the worst since he had known he had a fortune. He felt guilty for being unfriendly to Joe and for not visiting him. He felt guilty for Herbert because he made him spend much more money than he could afford.

"I sometimes wished that I had never met Miss Havisham." Why do you think Pip wishes so?

I think because it was Miss Havisham who made him know Estella who has been one of the main causes of his suffering.

If you were Herbert, would you make friends with Pip? Say why/ Why not.

Of course, I would because Pip was a good friend only to Herbert. He paid his debts. Pip also helped Mr Clarriker with his business on condition that he offers Herbert a well-paid job.

"You should know," replied Estella, "because I am what you made me!" Comment. OR: Miss Havisham has a taste of her own medicine. Show how.

To take revenge on men, Miss Havisham has taught Estella how to be a proud, hard woman, with a cold heart. Now, Miss Havisham herself suffers from Estella's cruelty. She is harvesting the evil she has planted.

If Estella had wanted to break men's hearts, she could have married Pip and broken his heart. Why do you think she preferred Drummle to Pip?

In my opinion, Estella prefers Drummle for his wealth and social status. This will break Pip's heart as well as all her other admirers' hearts.

"You know that I want to trick all of my admirers. All of them, apart from you!" Why do you think Estella says this to Pip?

It seems that Estella wants Pip to believe that he is special. Perhaps Miss Havisham wants her to do this.

Why do you think Pip felt sorry for not visiting Joe and Biddy sooner?

Because they were kind, loving and patient. They loved him and did not want anything from him.

If you were Biddy, would you accept any money from Pip? Why/ Why not?

No, I wouldn't. Biddy had a job as a teacher in the new village school

"After all, I learnt such a lot when I helped you with your lessons at my grandmother's school." What do you think is the indirect message Biddy wants to convey?

Perhaps she wanted to remind Pip that she was his first teacher. He owed him this favour.

"I realised that they knew me better than I knew myself." Why do you think Joe and Biddy knew Pip well?

Pip was brought up in Joe's house; the two were good friends. Biddy used to teach Pip at the village school. In addition, they loved him. When you love someone, you pay attention to everything about them.

tonguetwister by wishpath

"sixth sick sheik's sheep's sick"

AFFC - CatoftheCanal by poschti

Acclimated to the routine of Cat of the Canals, Arya is learning the Braavosi tongue and trying to learn three new things every time she is sent forth from the House of Black and White, as the kindly man told her she must. Selling clams by day, she sleeps in a bed with Brusco's daughters by night, and for three days during each black moon, she returns to the House of Black and White.

She delivers all three things the kindly man wants her to learn, but he still sends her back to Brusco. He tells her of the Many-Faced God; especially how all religions are aware of him, even if they do not worship him. Even within the Seven there exists the Stranger, whom the kindly man calls "Him of Many Faces".

One night when the black moon begins, she meets Dareon after he departs the Happy Port. Arya is angered by the singer's abandonment of his vows as a black brother. Returning to Brusco's, she gives him the coin she has collected selling his mollusks and a pair of new boots, then heads to the House of Black and White for three nights.

The waif teaches her how to identify certain poisons like Sweetsleep and the Tears of Lys, and then tells her the full story of how she came to the temple.

She claims to be the eldest child from an ancient house, but when her stepmother had a true daughter, the woman tried to poison the waif. When her father discovered this, he delivered two-thirds of his wealth to the House of Black and White, and soon after, his second wife was dead and the waif now a servant in the temple.

She reveals that she lied about part of that tale, but before Arya can guess which part, the kindly man visits her. She tells him the three new things she has learned, finishing with the knowledge that Dareon is dead- his throat was slit and his body dumped in the canal.

When the kindly man asks who killed him, she replies, "Arya of House Stark." The priest again asks her who she is, to which she answers, "no one". But, as always, he tells her she lies, then asks the waif to bring Arya some warm milk to help her sleep. Arya goes to bed, but upon awakening in the morning, she discovers that she is blind.

Proverbs 4 by kpgbrink

Hear, O sons, a father's instruction, and be attentive, that you may gain insight, for I give you good precepts; do not forsake my teaching. When I was a son with my father, tender, the only one in the sight of my mother, he taught me and said to me...

Proverbs 4 by kpgbrink

Hear, O sons, a father's instruction,
and be attentive, that you may gain insight,
for I give you good precepts;
do not forsake my teaching.

When I was a son with my father,
tender, the only one in the sight of my mother,
he taught me and said to me,
“Let your heart hold fast my words;
keep my commandments, and live.
Get wisdom; get insight;
do not forget, and do not turn away from the words of my mouth.
Do not forsake her, and she will keep you;
love her, and she will guard you.

The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom,
and whatever you get, get insight.
Prize her highly, and she will exalt you;
she will honor you if you embrace her.
She will place on your head a graceful garland;
she will bestow on you a beautiful crown.”

Hear, my son, and accept my words,
that the years of your life may be many.
I have taught you the way of wisdom;
I have led you in the paths of uprightness.
When you walk, your step will not be hampered,
and if you run, you will not stumble.
Keep hold of instruction; do not let go;
guard her, for she is your life.

Do not enter the path of the wicked,
and do not walk in the way of the evil.
Avoid it; do not go on it;
turn away from it and pass on.
For they cannot sleep unless they have done wrong;
they are robbed of sleep unless they have made someone stumble.
For they eat the bread of wickedness
and drink the wine of violence.

But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn,
which shines brighter and brighter until full day.
The way of the wicked is like deep darkness;
they do not know over what they stumble.

My son, be attentive to my words;
incline your ear to my sayings.
Let them not escape from your sight;
keep them within your heart.
For they are life to those who find them,
and healing to all their flesh.

Keep your heart with all vigilance,
for from it flow the springs of life.
Put away from you crooked speech,
and put devious talk far from you.
Let your eyes look directly forward,
and your gaze be straight before you.
Ponder the path of your feet;
then all your ways will be sure.
Do not swerve to the right or to the left;
turn your foot away from evil.

Proverbs 4 by kpgbrink

Hear, O sons, a father's instruction,
and be attentive, that you may gain[a] insight,
2 for I give you good precepts;
do not forsake my teaching.
3 When I was a son with my father,
tender, the only one in the sight of my mother,
4 he taught me and said to me,
“Let your heart hold fast my words;
keep my commandments, and live.
5 Get wisdom; get insight;
do not forget, and do not turn away from the words of my mouth.
6 Do not forsake her, and she will keep you;
love her, and she will guard you.
7 The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom,
and whatever you get, get insight.
8 Prize her highly, and she will exalt you;
she will honor you if you embrace her.
9 She will place on your head a graceful garland;
she will bestow on you a beautiful crown.”

10 Hear, my son, and accept my words,
that the years of your life may be many.
11 I have taught you the way of wisdom;
I have led you in the paths of uprightness.
12 When you walk, your step will not be hampered,
and if you run, you will not stumble.
13 Keep hold of instruction; do not let go;
guard her, for she is your life.
14 Do not enter the path of the wicked,
and do not walk in the way of the evil.
15 Avoid it; do not go on it;
turn away from it and pass on.
16 For they cannot sleep unless they have done wrong;
they are robbed of sleep unless they have made someone stumble.
17 For they eat the bread of wickedness
and drink the wine of violence.
18 But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn,
which shines brighter and brighter until full day.
19 The way of the wicked is like deep darkness;
they do not know over what they stumble.

20 My son, be attentive to my words;
incline your ear to my sayings.
21 Let them not escape from your sight;
keep them within your heart.
22 For they are life to those who find them,
and healing to all their[b] flesh.
23 Keep your heart with all vigilance,
for from it flow the springs of life.
24 Put away from you crooked speech,
and put devious talk far from you.
25 Let your eyes look directly forward,
and your gaze be straight before you.
26 Ponder[c] the path of your feet;
then all your ways will be sure.
27 Do not swerve to the right or to the left;
turn your foot away from evil.

Untitled by user12003

Typing speed tends to be a little higher on the inspirational quotes test because of the short length of the text to type. You can often reach higher bursts of speed on shorter typing tests. With practice you should be able to reach and maintain this typing speed more often and for an increasingly longer time.

18 by 18010059041

Bonjour. Aujourd’hui, nous allons discuter de l’utilisation d’une photo sur un CV. Pensez-vous que c’est une bonne idée ?

Bonjour. Oui, cela peut être une bonne idée dans certains cas. Par exemple, une photo permet aux employeurs de se faire une idée de la présentation professionnelle du candidat et de voir si elle correspond au dress code de l’entreprise.

Cela facilite-t-il aussi le processus d’embauche ?

Oui, tout à fait. Une photo aide les employeurs à identifier plus facilement le candidat lors d’un entretien ou d’une présentation. Elle peut aussi les aider à associer un visage à un nom, ce qui est utile lors de la sélection finale.

Pensez-vous que cela reflète certaines qualités du candidat ?

Oui. Une photo bien choisie peut montrer la confiance en soi et l’engagement du candidat. Par exemple, prendre le temps de choisir une photo professionnelle pour son CV peut indiquer que le candidat est sérieux et motivé dans sa recherche d’emploi.

Cependant, l’ajout d’une photo peut-il poser des problèmes ?

Oui, il y a plusieurs inconvénients. Le principal risque est celui de la discrimination. Par exemple, les employeurs pourraient inconsciemment tenir compte de l’âge, de l’apparence physique ou de l’origine ethnique du candidat, plutôt que de ses compétences.

Et concernant la confidentialité ?

Oui, c’est une préoccupation. En ajoutant une photo personnelle à un document professionnel, le candidat partage des informations visuelles qui ne sont pas directement liées à ses qualifications. Cela peut aussi détourner l’attention des employeurs des compétences et de l’expérience du candidat.

Y a-t-il des défis liés à la qualité de la photo ?

Absolument. Une photo de mauvaise qualité, floue ou mal cadrée peut nuire à l’image professionnelle du candidat. De plus, il peut être difficile de trouver le juste équilibre entre une photo trop décontractée et une photo trop formelle.

Selon vous, dans quel contexte est-il pertinent d’ajouter une photo sur un CV ?

Cela dépend du pays et du secteur. Dans certains pays, comme en France, la photo est courante et parfois attendue. Dans d’autres, comme aux États-Unis, elle est généralement déconseillée pour éviter les biais. Il est donc important de se renseigner sur les attentes locales avant de décider.

Merci pour vos réponses. Vous avez bien exposé les avantages et les inconvénients.

Merci à vous !

Science Notes by skibidimcqueen31

Mass Wasting
Mass wasting = movement of rock & soil down a slope under the influence of gravity. Rock falls/slumps/debris flows = examples of mass wasting. lubricated by rainfall or agitated by seismic activity USUALLY RAPID. Contributors 2 mass wasting = 1) Steepness of a slope 2) types of rocks & soil 3) vegetation 4) human activities
Weathering & Erosion
Weathering = breaking down rocks & minerals. Physical weathering = freezing & thawing, exfoliation, & abrasion. No change 2 chemical composition. Chemical weathering = alteration of rock minerals thru chemical reactions w/ water, oxygen, or other substances. leads 2 the formation of new minerals.Erosion = removal of weathered materials by running water, wind, glaciers, & waves
Soil = mixture of mineral particles, organic matter, water, & air. Soil formation = pedogenesis. Influenced by climate, organisms, relief, parent material (the type of rock or sediment from which the soil forms), & time (often referred 2 as the "CLORPT" factors). (RELIEF = shape of land) Soil horizon = layer in the soil profile w/ distinct properties. Soil texture = proportions of sand, silt, & clay in the soil, & it affects soil properties, such as water-holding capacity & drainage. pH (acidity or basicity) stands for "potential of hydrogen". pH = scale used 2 specify the acidity or basicity of an aqueous solution. Acidic solutions r measured 2 have lower pH values than basic or alkaline solutions.
BODY FOSSILS: MOLD & CAST FOSSILS = Body is covered by rock. Skeleton breaks down, leaving empty space in the shape of the animal/plant. That is a mold fossil. If the empty space get filled w/ sediment, we get a cast fossil REPLACEMENT FOSSILS = Only the soft part of the bones decay. Bones = Holes inside (Spongey). Holes = fill w/ minerals. Making a replacement fossil. WHOLE BODY FOSSILS = formed when animal or plant preserved in ice or peat bogs, or trapped in fossilized tree resin. (amber) No decay. Body fossil = Remains of a once living organism. Trace fossil = Signs something was once alive Petrified Fossil = the organic matter is completely replaced by minerals & the fossil is turned to stone. TRACE FOSSILS: FOOTPRINTS/TRACKWAYS = Trails that show movement of an animal. BURROWS = Similar 2 footprint/trackway. From animal digging or burrowing in sand/mud. COPROLITE = Animal Feces. Can be used 2 determine an animal’s diet.
Sedimentary Rocks
Sedimentary rocks = produced by weathering of old rocks. Rocks break into fragments (sediment). Loose sediments r deposited & then compacted together 2 form new rock Stratification = layering of sedimentary rocks. Superposition = Oldest rock at bottom Formation of sedimentary rock steps: 1) Weathering 2) Erosion 3) Deposition 4) Compaction 5) Lithification Fossils in sedimentary rocks provide valuable insights into past life forms & ancient environments. Types of Sedimentary Rocks = Clastic: Composed of fragments of pre-existing rocks, (Sandstone, conglomerate) Chemical: Formed from precipitation of minerals dissolved in water. Crystalline texture. (Limestone, rock salt) Organic: Accumulation of organic materials, such as plant remains (Coal) Deposition = the laying down of sediment carried by wind, flowing water, the sea or ice. Compaction = sediments r deeply buried (under pressure bc of the weight of overlying layers) this squashes it. Lithification = the conversion of unconsolidated sediments into solid rock. Marine organisms often found in LIMESTONE.

Igneous Rocks

Form when magma (molten rock) cools & crystallizes, either at volcanoes on the surface of the Earth or while the melted rock is still inside the crust. All magma develops underground, in the lower crust or upper mantle, because of the intense heat there. If it forms ABOVE surface = Extrusive If it forms BELOW surface = Intrusive
Metamorphic Rocks

Started out as some other type of rock, but have been substantially changed from their original igneous, sedimentary, or earlier metamorphic form. Formed when rocks are subjected to high heat, high pressure, hot mineral-rich fluids or, more commonly, some combination of these factors.

Science Notes by skibidimcqueen31

Mass Wasting
Mass wasting = movement of rock & soil ↓ a slope under the influence of gravity. Rock falls/slumps/debris flows = examples of mass wasting. lubricated by rainfall or agitated by seismic activity USUALLY RAPID. Contributors 2 mass wasting = 1) Steepness of a slope 2) types of rocks & soil 3) vegetation 4) human activities
Weathering & Erosion
Weathering = breaking down rocks & minerals. Physical weathering = freezing & thawing, exfoliation, & abrasion. No change 2 chemical composition. Chemical weathering = alteration of rock minerals thru chemical reactions w/ water, oxygen, or other substances. leads 2 the formation of new minerals.Erosion = removal of weathered materials by running water, wind, glaciers, & waves
Soil = mixture of mineral particles, organic matter, water, & air. Soil formation = pedogenesis. Influenced by climate, organisms, relief, parent material (the type of rock or sediment from which the soil forms), & time (often referred 2 as the "CLORPT" factors). (RELIEF = shape of land) Soil horizon = layer in the soil profile w/ distinct properties. Soil texture = proportions of sand, silt, & clay in the soil, & it affects soil properties, such as water-holding capacity & drainage. pH (acidity or basicity) stands for "potential of hydrogen". pH = scale used 2 specify the acidity or basicity of an aqueous solution. Acidic solutions r measured 2 have lower pH values than basic or alkaline solutions.
BODY FOSSILS: MOLD & CAST FOSSILS = Body is covered by rock. Skeleton breaks down, leaving empty space in the shape of the animal/plant. That is a mold fossil. If the empty space get filled w/ sediment, we get a cast fossil REPLACEMENT FOSSILS = Only the soft part of the bones decay. Bones = Holes inside (Spongey). Holes = fill w/ minerals. Making a replacement fossil. WHOLE BODY FOSSILS = formed when animal or plant preserved in ice or peat bogs, or trapped in fossilized tree resin. (amber) No decay. Body fossil = Remains of a once living organism. Trace fossil = Signs something was once alive Petrified Fossil = the organic matter is completely replaced by minerals & the fossil is turned to stone. TRACE FOSSILS: FOOTPRINTS/TRACKWAYS = Trails that show movement of an animal. BURROWS = Similar 2 footprint/trackway. From animal digging or burrowing in sand/mud. COPROLITE = Animal Feces. Can be used 2 determine an animal’s diet.
Sedimentary Rocks
Sedimentary rocks = produced by weathering of old rocks. Rocks break into fragments (sediment). Loose sediments r deposited & then compacted together 2 form new rock Stratification = layering of sedimentary rocks. Superposition = Oldest rock at bottom Formation of sedimentary rock steps: 1) Weathering 2) Erosion 3) Deposition 4) Compaction 5) Lithification Fossils in sedimentary rocks provide valuable insights into past life forms & ancient environments. Types of Sedimentary Rocks = Clastic: Composed of fragments of pre-existing rocks, (Sandstone, conglomerate) Chemical: Formed from precipitation of minerals dissolved in water. Crystalline texture. (Limestone, rock salt) Organic: Accumulation of organic materials, such as plant remains (Coal) Deposition = the laying down of sediment carried by wind, flowing water, the sea or ice. Compaction = sediments r deeply buried (under pressure bc of the weight of overlying layers) this squashes it. Lithification = the conversion of unconsolidated sediments into solid rock. Marine organisms often found in LIMESTONE.

Igneous Rocks

Form when magma (molten rock) cools & crystallizes, either at volcanoes on the surface of the Earth or while the melted rock is still inside the crust. All magma develops underground, in the lower crust or upper mantle, because of the intense heat there. If it forms ABOVE surface = Extrusive If it forms BELOW surface = Intrusive
Metamorphic Rocks

Started out as some other type of rock, but have been substantially changed from their original igneous, sedimentary, or earlier metamorphic form. Formed when rocks are subjected to high heat, high pressure, hot mineral-rich fluids or, more commonly, some combination of these factors.

strawberries by wishpath

Strawberries B6 (three needs) strawberries.

Olelo (K A L) by kkuloloia

a a a a a
k k k k k
l l l l l
aka aka aka aka aka
ala ala ala ala ala
kaa kaa kaa kaa kaa
laa laa laa laa laa
kala kala kala kala kala
laka laka laka laka laka

Books by raeganpierre08

These books tell stories about the way someone has lived life or simply experienced it.

Books by raeganpierre08

These books speak about different topics most people have faced at least once in their lifetime, whether it’s about one’s identity, colorism or racism in the States, personal experiences, the question of one’s sexuality etc... These books tell stories about the way someone has lived life or simply experienced it.

Bash K8s rsyncd by edcoronag

set -o errexit
set -o nounset
set -o pipefail

# The directory that gets sync'd

# Assume that this is running in Docker on a bridge. Allow connections from
# anything on the local subnet.
ALLOW=$(ip route | awk '/^default via/ { reg = "^[0-9./]+ dev "$5 } ; $0 ~ reg { print $1 }')


mkdir -p "${CONFDIR}"

if [[ -f "${PIDFILE}" ]]; then
PID=$(cat "${PIDFILE}")
echo "Cleaning up old PID file: ${PIDFILE}"
kill "${PID}" &> /dev/null || true
rm "${PIDFILE}"


cat <<EOF >"${SECRETS}"
chmod go= "${SECRETS}"

if [[ "$(id -u)" == "0" ]]; then
USER_CONFIG=" uid = 0"$'\n'" gid = 0"

cat <<EOF >"${CONFFILE}"
pid file = ${PIDFILE}
use chroot = no
log file = /dev/stdout
reverse lookup = no
munge symlinks = no
port = 8730
numeric ids = true
hosts deny = *
hosts allow = ${ALLOW} ${ALLOW_HOST-}
auth users = k8s
secrets file = ${SECRETS}
read only = false
path = ${VOLUME}
filter = - /_tmp/

exec /usr/bin/rsync --no-detach --daemon --config="${CONFFILE}" "$@"