user110662 Aryan Singh


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Sin embargo, No hay juegos
News that a colleague's baby has taken some first tentative steps usually merits little more than
polite congratulations or an obligatory glance at some e-mailed images. When Nadrian ("Ned")
C. Seeman and William B. Sherman of New York University recently made such an
announcement, however, it earned coverage in several scientific journals. The attention had to
do with the new walker's size, which is very small for its age-or any age. A pair of legs and feet
constructed from DNA strands, the walker stands just 10 nanometers tall-or roughly 1/25,000
the diameter of the period that concludes this sentence. Seeman says the walker's stroll along a
DNA sidewalk is "a natural outgrowth of work that's been done before. Seeman and Sherman,
who christened their pride and joy A Precisely Controlled DNA Biped Walking Device, make
clear that the walker has no practical application. And even, though he calls it "the robot,
Seeman seems wary of characterizing it as a harbinger of submicroscopic automation. He does,
however, see the possibility of some practical uses. "We're going to look at longer sidewalks," he
says. "Eventually we might have it try to carry a load. We'll probably also look into using it for
polymer deformation-maybe using circular sidewalks and have them holding strands and
twisting or braiding them." Bragging rights and applications aside, Seeman sees the walker as
one more event in an accelerating series that is transforming nanotechnology from science
iction to science fact-developments that are making nanotechnology a very exciting field to be
in right now. "I figured out this was going to be fun in 1980," Seeman says. "Now that I've been
working in this area for nearly a quarter of a century, it's really starting to snowball."
Nanotechnology-engineering at the molecular level to create useful substances and devices-is
no longer just the stuff of rumour and futuristic visions. It has begun to spawn viable businesses
and useful products, and it's already touching our lives in many ways Nanotech products may
be found in the car you drive and in the paint on your walls. They are enhancing medical
diagnostics, improving the composition of building materials and plastics, and paving the way
for radical breakthroughs in electronics and computer technology. Make no mistake:
Engineering on very small scales is a very big deal The Nano Business Alliance, an industry trade
organization, predicts a global market for nanotech products and services of $l trillion by 2010.
The National Science Foundation forecasts that the market in the U.S. alone will reach $1 trillion
by 2016. Most U.S. states have established programs or agencies to encourage nanotechnology
research and business development. And the federal government, characterizing nanot
Último inicio de sesión 1 mes, 3 semanas atrás
Fecha de ingreso 1 mes, 3 semanas atrás
Teclado / Ordenador Portátil N/A
Asignación de teclado QWERTY
Uso de la computadora 0-4 horas / día
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