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Ernest Hemingway

user100396 1 año, 11 meses atrás
O velho pescador era magro e seco, e tinha a parte do pescoço vincada de profundas rugas. As manchas escuras que os raios do sol produzem sempre, nos mares tropicais, enchiam-lhe o rosto... Tudo o que nele existia era velho, com exceção dos olhos que eram da cor do mar, alegres e indomáveis.


slzeal 1 año, 11 meses atrás
keep on keeping on

Scott Kelly

vijay7032 1 año, 11 meses atrás
Aesop was one of the great Greek writers. He is best known for his fables, stories that have a moral. They teach us something about how we should live our lives. Aesop wrote thousands of the wa


abuhurairah 1 año, 11 meses atrás
I really did get a personal best on this one. Thank you!

Curtis Baldwin

beefybread 1 año, 11 meses atrás
"Unbiased person can never be truly impartial and will always try to sneak their own opinion into matters" people when they need an unbiased opinion.


leopold_brown 1 año, 11 meses atrás
This is one tip, not a few.

Tim O'Brien

leology 1 año, 11 meses atrás
One of my favorite books! Happy to see a quote here!

Gina D.

leology 1 año, 11 meses atrás
Yes! I have two quotes up and I've come across both! But I play a lot of games... :)

Joe Biden

mgreen22097 1 año, 11 meses atrás
mhm, yep, mhm... hold up.

George Carlin

mgreen22097 1 año, 11 meses atrás
There's a HUGE distinction missing here: People(not 'the rich') lose incentive to pursue wealth when there is none to obtain. People(not 'the poor') lose interest in obtaining wealth when it is given to them for no reason. It's basic psychology, people will take the easy way out if they can and they'll refuse to work towards something unobtainable.

It is ME!

thatross 1 año, 11 meses atrás
Your job is so, so hard.
I can't imagine the toll it must take on your mentality. Especially on someone so young.

Talk to some people who have been there for a long time about how they cope with these feelings, because I promise you they have had them too.

And remember, this isn't all down to you. There are eight billion of us on this planet now, and each of us has a responsibility to help and support eachother in the best ways that we can.

What you are doing is a heavy load to carry. Acknowledge; accept that you cannot do everything, give yourself the grace that you would give others.


leology 1 año, 11 meses atrás
What if the pain is that I don't have friends ( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)

Emma Smith

kyle_w 1 año, 11 meses atrás
So dumb. It's a hell of a way to describe growing life and giving birth.

BoJack Horseman

megatron23 1 año, 11 meses atrás
The second You're should be Your, that's at the beginning of the sentence should be capitalized.


leology 1 año, 11 meses atrás
I'm 19 and I love the way it feels under my fingers when I'm able to type something fast and correctly!

Me, bitch.

owolord 1 año, 11 meses atrás
y'know being a youtuber is a job and they usually do their own contributions off camera. Earning money is part of the job i guess.

Me, bitch.

owolord 1 año, 11 meses atrás
y'know being a youtuber is a job and they usually do their own contributions off camera. Earning money is part of the job i guess.


user277356 1 año, 11 meses atrás
Es venteril, ventril tiene otro significado.


owolord 1 año, 11 meses atrás

Rick Riordan

36243757 1 año, 11 meses atrás
La misma carta magna como ordenación de las supremas competencias
estatales, instituye explícitamente el Poder encargado de su preservación: El
Judicial, confiándole el control de constitucionalidad de todos los actos estatales,
como su guardián jurisdiccional; pero también impone a los otros poderes
constituidos, el deber de velar por su fiel cumplimiento.