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Walt Disney

jessicarusso416 1 año, 11 meses atrás
Yeah but.... she really just wept until her fairy godmother gave her the tools to go to the ball. She's not really what I'd call a "go-getter" lol

Mary Chase

user213448 1 año, 11 meses atrás
Hace muchos años, mi madre me solía decir: en este mundo, Elwood, tienes que ser o muy listo o muy amable. Durante muchos años fui listo. Recomiendo ser amable.

Iria G. Parente y Selene M. Pascual

user213448 1 año, 11 meses atrás
Sin comentario

Albert Camus

user213448 1 año, 11 meses atrás
Veo que mucha gente muere porque considera que la vida no merece la pena ser vivida. Veo a otros que se dejan matar, paradójicamente, por las ideas o ilusiones que les dan una razón de vivir (lo que llamamos una razón de vivir es al mismo tiempo una excelente razón de morir).


_96k 1 año, 12 meses atrás
The assumption that correct information may be found easily in an era of increasing levels of non-information and anti-information, and that anyone can sift through that flaming heap of garbage in "seconds or even minutes" is tantamount to pure arrogance and complete ignorance.


neveronground 1 año, 12 meses atrás
same thing Bruno did


user98566 1 año, 12 meses atrás
i gotchu praepes

Tom Stoppard

praepes 1 año, 12 meses atrás
My favorite movie and so glad to have just achieved my record fastest time on it!


praepes 1 año, 12 meses atrás
I love the reference to Oppenheimer but seriously missed opportunity to say, "you have become death, destroyer of words."

Joe Biden

uname 1 año, 12 meses atrás
So... white kids are not poor??


type4days 1 año, 12 meses atrás
I stumbled across this while on this site to sound busy while my supervisor is in the cube next to mine and it resonated with me. I hope the original poster finds your message one day.


slowtyper237 1 año, 12 meses atrás

Lemony Snicket

localbisexual 1 año, 12 meses atrás
it's good to type but it feels like there should be punctuation in there that isn't there

Prof. Jordan Bernt Peterson

jessicarusso416 1 año, 12 meses atrás
This dude is unbelievably problematic. I hate seeing his quotes pop up on here because they appear fine on the surface, but the more you learn about him, the more they seem dangerous.


localbisexual 1 año, 12 meses atrás
as someone who is depressed and adhd: if you have the option to get medicated, then do so. it's not a sign of weakness to need medications, it's not anything that's inherently wrong with you. there are alternative ways to manage, but half of the struggle of adhd is that other people's coping mechanisms don't work with our inherent issues with executive function and dopamine-seeking tendencies. if meds are necessary, and you have the capacity to take them, go for it.

Dani Fleischer

jessicarusso416 1 año, 12 meses atrás
The Kardashian's are certainly problematic is many different ways, but to villainize them is getting old and is a bit misogynistic. While they set toxic beauty standards, they are also very smart business women, advocates (Kim's work with the justice system), and appear to be good/loving parents. Of course these things naturally become easier when you have the resources they do, but it's bias to shame them entirely without acknowledging anything good. If their fame is bothersome, that's more of a commentary on society than them specifically. We choose who is famous, not them...

Tommy Edison

insertreference 1 año, 12 meses atrás
What about ebonic?

Charles Brettinger

vfdgasrgrf 1 año, 12 meses atrás
why is this so poorly rated...

Guillermo Del Toro

s111 1 año, 12 meses atrás
Is this about a fat girl

Carl Bernstein

kumagai 2 años atrás
Well it depends on what you mean by fair fados. The antiquated systems of the past with kings and peasants were obviously not sustainable. The weak were used as fuel for the rich. So yes, our current society makes life actually worth living, which for most of history wasn't the case. But "enforced fairness" like that of communism is an abomination that destroys everything it touches. That's what I was talking about.