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Who Else But I

bcurty32 3 años atrás
I'm proud of you too :)


kxenia 3 años atrás
das fani


beefybread 3 años atrás
I thought you were trying to trick people for a moment.

Either Albert Einstein

fiddledy_rick 3 años atrás
Source of the quote: "dude trust me"

taylor swift

jasmine004 3 años atrás
I love the song, but make sure to put fewer commas and more periods. Those are called comma splices, a comma splitting two independent clauses.

yours truly

zalyx 3 años atrás
and I just hate your quote :)

Tan France

catrice 3 años atrás
Racists, Nazis and homophobes are not necessarily being their true selves.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

himynamisbao 3 años atrás
Nice good qoute


pwauthy 3 años atrás
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

Curtis Baldwin

fartchili 3 años atrás
Whenever I come across this vote I always half expect the "It then occurred to me..." to be followed by "that when I think that others are self-righteous for criticizing others, I am also being self-righteous. And critical."
*Criticizes other people about criticizing other people*
*Then says 'I'm just more logical than everyone else'*


user567589 3 años atrás
Lol anytime Kirriya sees a self aware quote she goes fucking bonkers

Tobias Wolff

user567589 3 años atrás
Wow, posts a shit quote, and when people say it’s a shit quote, Kiriiya gets overly butthurt about it, I wonder where I saw this before??

Joseph B. Wirthlin

user567589 3 años atrás
@Venerated, I kinda get your point, but your generalization about birth is about as dumb as the quote’s generalization. Yeah definitely there are people out there who are suffering for no reason at all. And yeah there are some people enjoying life, who may not even deserve to, but to go so far to say birthing is a sin, and anyone who doesn’t agree with you is a selfish cuck, with a small penis, is just idiotic. The real answer is, if you can’t handle a child, and don’t have the economic status or the tolerance, or the virtues to properly raise a child don’t make one. But if you do by all means go ahead.

Doesn't matter

noahishere 3 años atrás
no thanks


noahishere 3 años atrás


trinityxpeach294 3 años atrás
AS a drema msp fan i support this

Dr. Seuss

spencerporker 3 años atrás
if i'd never been born, i wouldn't be a fish, dr. seuss, because that would mean that i was born. there are some plot holes in this theory.

Keanu Reeves

peaprotein 3 años atrás
"Gentle to other living beings"
Keanu, along with most people reading this, choose to abuse animals for pleasure.


kiriiya 3 años atrás
How virtuous.

Facebook Meme

smokemifugottem 3 años atrás
Yep, definitely a facebook quality meme lmao.