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user226064 3 años, 5 meses atrás
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Rick Astley

nevergonnagiveyouup 3 años, 5 meses atrás


zhang 3 años, 5 meses atrás
this was definitely made by a dog person

Ed Yong - Dec 6, 2016

user958697 3 años, 5 meses atrás
The Present You helping out the Future You... How interesting! I have the opposite thought. I am miserable, in custody, and without hope, and has absolutely no one to trust. I am mind-controlled, enslaved by the vampire, and cannot break free. I look out of the window and wish the Future Me would arrive in a time machine and deliver me out of this prison. But then I thought, the Future Me cannot contact the Present Me; otherwise, the timeline would be disrupted. Therefore, even if the Future Me did visit, the Present Me would never know. With that thought, the Present Me recollects himself and goes back to accepting and enduring the sufferings for eternity. The Multiverse continues to exist purely relying on the tinge of contentment out of that belief, in the very core of the Present Me.

Lao Tzu

user958697 3 años, 5 meses atrás
What Lao Tzu did say is this: Let's make up the "Tao", a.k.a. the way of the universe (or nature) to confuse people and make them foolish. If people are intelligent, they would create all kinds of trouble in society. Remove their "fangs" so they do not hurt one another and can live peacefully together for hundreds and thousands of years. Everyone ought to be dumb and only the noble and governing class ought to be smart. That basically sums it all up. Lao Tzu has been worshiped as a god and his writings as the holy scripture throughout history in the East, but actually, those writings are just gibberish. For example, his well-known signature book starts with "any saying that can be said is not THE saying; any name that can be named is not THE name."

Lao Tzu

user958697 3 años, 5 meses atrás
Lao Tzu never said that.

Lao Tzu

kiriiya 3 años, 5 meses atrás
I don't think they had a medical definition for depression back then.

Ekko - League of Legends

boredtyper 3 años, 5 meses atrás
Great quote!


boredtyper 3 años, 5 meses atrás
Do people not spell-check the quotes they submit? WOW!

Curtis Baldwin

boredtyper 3 años, 5 meses atrás
What a hilarious quote! Good rule to live by. You don't want to find out you've been playing tonsil hockey or hide the weenie with a relation. GROSS


boredtyper 3 años, 5 meses atrás
"be so busy improving yourself" is not a complete sentence

"that you have no time to criticize others" is not a complete sentence

It's a nice quote, but these two fragmented sentences should be joined together for ease of reading/typing

The Weekend

boredtyper 3 años, 5 meses atrás
"kicking like they six months pregnant" - I'm assuming you meant to say "like they're six months pregnant"

"sold our show" - I'm assuming you meant to say "sold out show"


colemak12 3 años, 5 meses atrás

Hachiman Hikigaya - Oregairu

user958697 3 años, 5 meses atrás
oops, I don't totally understand the quote but I think it is good. I semi-understand it! haha

Nick Hornby

user958697 3 años, 5 meses atrás
I feel you, my friend. Our parents brought us to this (wicked) world without our conscious consent... that so far we can know of. Therefore we can definitely feel what the guy who fell felt for the five seconds, without us actually falling from a tall bridge. Simply put, we "wish ourselves never born", say, sometimes...


user958697 3 años, 5 meses atrás
Keen observation my anonymous friend. What you said is deeply and truly funny. My story is slightly different. I never knew how to address people (what "to refer to them as") because I do not know who they are. For the same reason, whatever I address people as, they are always offended because they are like "shut up you do not know me you little piece of *" And as a result, I never speak at all. When I do refer to people as sir or ma'am, I'd be only mocking and parroting what people do in the movie, in the theatre. Once upon a time, I liked it when people address me as "sir". I am a guy but at that time, I was using a female portrait.

Hachiman Hikigaya - Oregairu

kiriiya 3 años, 5 meses atrás
an euphemism


kiriiya 3 años, 5 meses atrás
"It's funny, how perception can affect someone's response to a simple phrase so drastically." No, it's funny how you think you've said something deep and/or true.

Would you really expect everyone to respond to something in the exact same way? Really? What a dim perception of the world you must have.

Alan Ball

kiriiya 3 años, 5 meses atrás

Nick Hornby

kiriiya 3 años, 5 meses atrás
felt without falling?