
This quote fue agregado por anngoff
My advice to get a faster WPM score is to first work on your accuracy. When your accuracy improves you will find that your speed also improves. Try it, you will see it works.

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Mejores puntajes para este typing test

Nombre PPM Precisión
typin_ 176.47 99.4%
user871724 158.36 90.3%
cspenguino 147.92 99.4%
chrisjin 138.23 98.9%
shahannietheres 137.57 95.6%
treemeister 136.37 96.1%
peggyrwa 135.39 100%
cosmicmagic 134.91 100%
dweather 134.48 98.3%
radicalrandy 130.93 98.3%

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Nombre PPM Precisión
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bkbroiler 71.42 87.4%
devarousc 97.04 95.6%
ck541 51.73 92.6%