The Magnificent Maggnom Opus - Diana Watson

This quote fue agregado por user60605
"I am more like Tobias than you realize, Florian. I understand what drives him. Did Tobias tell you how this whole thing started between us?" A guilty grin tugged at the corners of Florian's mouth. Tully chuckled, "Of course he did. It was too good a story not to share with his best mates. We started in a very nontraditional way. It stands to reason we will continue in a similar manner.

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dvorakdan 8 años, 5 meses atrás
Well, this is missing some quotation marks, to say the least. It looks more like a random bit of text than a pointed quote of some part of a story.
I can't find the quote via google, so maybe if you copied it from the book you might try something like "... blah, blah, blah." to make it less confusing.

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