Nathan... - One Tree Hill - Part 2 - Haley James Scott

This quote fue agregado por kaylaym420
I brought back mint chocolate chip and you asked why I thought that was your favorite. I was so confused. Anytime we had gotten ice cream together that's what you always chose. But you told me rocky road was your favorite. And you looked at me so tenderly, Nathan, and you said you always chose mint chocolate chip because you knew it was my favorite flavor.

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joymarsh79 8 años, 10 meses atrás
I personally brought you back mint chocolate chip cookies dough and you asked "Why do you really think that is my favorite?" I was so confused. Every time we would go out to enjoy ice cream together, that is what you personally chosen almost all the time. To come to think of it, you did tell me that Rocky Road was your favorite. You looked over at me so tenderly Nathan and said "I always chosen mint chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream because you knew it was my personal favorite flavor."

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