Paranoia - Grey's Anatomy - Meredith Grey

This quote fue agregado por kaylaym420
Paranoia gives you an edge in the OR. Surgeons play out worst-case scenarios in their heads. You're ready to close, you got the bleeder. You know it but there's that voice in your head asking. What if you didn't? What if the patient dies and you could have prevented it? So you check your work one more time before you close. Paranoia is a surgeon's best friend.

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bvw 5 años, 7 meses atrás
This trivializes paranoia. When you meet up wil a close person to you with real paranoia: you will see the difference, Unlucky you! Sad for them... but that paranoid person is quite capable of destroying you and any in his reach. Paranoia is destructive.

What the unnamed script writer of this medical TV show was amping up unwisely, unrealistically amping up was really just best practise. Sobriety and diligence. Check and recheck. Surgeons are like pilots: survival is dependent on careful double-checking.

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