Not Even Flexing - Jumbo Tobumin

This quote fue agregado por user64945
A kid whose name was Tarry went to school and people started talking about how strong they were. They decided to flex and told Tarry to do it to. He flexed and someone touched it to see how much muscle he had. They were like" It's squishy!" But then the person sitting next to him said" But he's not even flexing!" Tarry then replied" Yes I am!" The person next to him felt so very bad. They apologized a million times but still felt bad. Luckily, Tarry Larry didn't get offended.

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skydweller 1 año atrás
A kid whose name was Tarry went to school and people started talking about how strong they were. They decided to flex and told Tarry to do it to. He flexed and someone touched it to see how much muscle he had. They were like" It's squishy!" But then the person sitting next to him said" But he's not even flexing!" Tarry then replied" Yes I am!" The person next to him felt so very bad. They apologized a million times but still felt bad. Luckily, Tarry Larry didn't get offended.

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