Typing test - SF101

This quote fue agregado por spaceflyer101
Wonder what your typing speed is? Wonder how accurate your typing is? Need to practice your typing skills? Don't hesitate, type me! When you are done, look at your score. That's what I did.

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Pon a prueba tus habilidades, toma la Prueba de mecanografía.

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Mejores puntajes para este typing test

Nombre PPM Precisión
inw_typer 146.00 91.8%
staylor1014 130.23 100%
exenity 121.35 100%
lytewerk 120.21 97.9%
scribop 118.62 99.5%
samuraininja 113.71 95.5%
npabs 111.52 94.5%
localbisexual 110.13 93.1%
rhapsodize 106.61 97.9%
jaebai 100.65 96.9%

Recientemente para

Nombre PPM Precisión
user843630 80.26 97.9%
npabs 111.52 94.5%
user421490 83.24 95.0%
user106803 42.55 82.2%
user104405 92.76 99.0%
trishadgk 79.23 86.3%
slaughtermelon 63.87 91.7%
reasonablereason 85.21 99.0%