People - Cali.E

This quote fue agregado por calielizabeth
Usually I can hide, but the only thing I'm hiding are my dried up tears and puffy eyes. No one can notice. It's just cause they don't care. They as in people who don't care about anyone but themselves.

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weesin 5 años, 9 meses atrás
You seem to think that people are responsible for caring about, and helping you with your emotions

I'm assuming you're an get your shit together and don't expect anyone to care and help along the way....this is what being an adult is about...taking care of yourself. Everyone is dealing with their own shit and may not have time to care about yours...buck up and fix it yourself
gonzalj8 8 años, 6 meses atrás
That semi-colon does not belong there. Removed it.

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