Accurately Challenged - Shayla Penman

This quote fue agregado por shayladee
If you want to increase your typing accuracy, you may want to try out a number of different typing tests online. Each one is fairly similar, but some are more difficult than others. For example, right now, you are notified when you make a mistake. For a challenge, try a test that does not light up with each error, but one where you must catch that error yourself before it's made.

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killer7000 5 años, 7 meses atrás
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Mejores puntajes para este typing test

Nombre PPM Precisión
user871724 168.15 94.3%
inw_typer 168.00 98.2%
lytewerk 145.16 99.2%
wolfram 139.31 98.7%
gescom 137.24 99.5%
ilovejujubee 136.13 97.9%
vmlm 127.47 98.2%
accidentalphoto 124.64 97.0%
staylor1014 124.35 99.5%
morgght 124.28 99.0%

Recientemente para

Nombre PPM Precisión
somerandomppl 83.60 94.3%
npabs 100.63 95.0%
donoshea 89.48 94.8%
stevendiao 89.89 92.1%
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trishadgk 100.95 90.3%
hollylpee 94.58 95.0%
mariasolos 62.78 95.3%