Ted Mosby Bridge Speech - How I Met Your Mother

This quote fue agregado por kingofamarillo
Actually, there's a word for that: it's love. I'm in love with her, okay? If you're looking for the word that means caring about someone beyond all rationality and wanting them to have everything they want no matter how much it destroys you, it's love. And when you love someone, you just, you... you don't stop, ever. Even when people roll their eyes and call you crazy. Even then. Especially then. You just... you don't give up.

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bvw 5 años, 6 meses atrás
That's not love. It's suicide by infatuation. A horrible way to utterly disrespect everyone, including yourself, your object of love, and everyone who does love you.
Love is caring! There is no destruction in it. Not destruction of you, not destruction of anyone. Nor do you want ANYONE to have "everythging they want", and what the heck does that mean anyway? Do that do a child and the output is a selffish pig and brat! That's hatred, not love.
oremus 6 años, 4 meses atrás
The word to describe this is not "love" but rather "infatuation".

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