Hello - Abster

This quote fue agregado por 9035abby
Hello random person who happens to be reading this. This typing practice is so boring. You should go outside and play. Life is not all about sitting on electronics!

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9035abby 8 años, 5 meses atrás
Wow this is the most awesome quote I have seen all day it rules!!!!!

Pon a prueba tus habilidades, toma la Prueba de mecanografía.

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inw_typer 157.00 100%
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user491757 147.99 100%
marchtoglory 137.68 94.8%
dcb87 129.47 99.4%
scribop 118.94 98.2%
user381085 117.67 96.5%
mafuso 117.37 98.8%
dorbogorbo 112.39 98.8%
davidmansilla 109.35 98.8%

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