Hero and the Coward - Cus D'Amato

This quote fue agregado por kctinman
What's the difference between the hero and the coward? There ain't no difference. They both feel exactly the same on the inside: they both fear dying and getting hurt. It's what the hero does that makes him a hero. And what the other doesn't do, makes him a coward.

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typefacial 6 años, 5 meses atrás
No shit.
dvorakdan 8 años, 2 meses atrás
Sooooo, isn't the difference that the hero has the ability to overcome those feelings? Just like everyone makes mistakes and some learn from them while others repeat them, aren't those people the same when they make those mistakes? So, I guess there is no difference between successful people and failures. Ability to deal with it is the difference, I would say.

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