Spongebob's Bubble Technique - Spongebob

This quote fue agregado por kingofamarillo
Okay, Patrick, it's all in the technique! First go like this, spin around. Stop! Double take three times. One, two three. Then pelvic thrust. Whoo, whoo. Stop on your right foot, don't forget it! Now it's time to bring it around town. Bring-it-a-round-town. Then you do this, then this, and this, then this, then that, then this and that, and then...

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ivana. 6 años, 10 meses atrás
Nice meme!
kingofamarillo 8 años, 4 meses atrás
I'm so sorry for this. Thought it was interesting at first, but then realized it was complete crap. I apologize.

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